Drugs affecting performance

Aug 26, 2002
Queensland, Australia
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I was on the anus.com messageboards and some guy stated that the reason the mighty Lord Worm left Cryptopsy years ago was because of a crack addiction.
This is the first i have ever heard of this, but he said to ask around so thats what im doing. Can anyone validate this statement?

On a side note, what are some other examples of metal musicians hurting their career with drug abuse? Phil from pantera is a good example (but it probably made him more popular lol )

Oh, BTW, i'm not against drug USE :)
Of course it made him more popular. Cookie cutter rebels bestow heroism upon those who abuse drugs and drink. Little do they realize that this only reinforces the mentality of the herd...
SunlapseVertigo said:
i dunno, but listen to Cephalic Carnage's "Lucid Interval".... the ton of pot they obviously do didn't affect their instrumental prowess one bit....

Something must've had a negative impact on the songwriting though...
Its true. It happened in Chicago. I work qwith two guys who went to the show. Scott was so fucked up he passed out while singing like the 5th song. So they finished the song and took him backstage and Tremonti came out and apologized and did some soloing and shit til Scott woke up. He came out a bit later with no shirt on and puke on his pants. then some of the songs were sang so bad that they turned down Scotts mic and Mark sang the songs.
Iced In Flames said:
Its true. It happened in Chicago. I work qwith two guys who went to the show. Scott was so fucked up he passed out while singing like the 5th song. So they finished the song and took him backstage and Tremonti came out and apologized and did some soloing and shit til Scott woke up. He came out a bit later with no shirt on and puke on his pants. then some of the songs were sang so bad that they turned down Scotts mic and Mark sang the songs.

Ha ha ha what a moron. This reminds of that interview where the former bassist says that Eddie Vedder must be jealous of musical creativity which Scott possesses ha ha.
hmm......drugs affecting metal production.........hmm, tough one, obviously pantera but it didnt affect them at all, its just brought about the physical, and most likely, psychological demise of phil anselmo. In all honesty, seems like drugs help out a lot of metal, cephalic carnage is an example, megadeth (with gar samuelson and mustaine dunno bout the others) pumped out great metal on smack and w/e else they were on, metallica with w/e they did, gwar still made great metal (imo) on weed it hink is all they did, thats all ic an think of, im defintly against drugs but the way i figure it is like this, some of my freinds get into some rough shit and it ell them once that it goes down a road of ruin and then from there on i let them do w/e they want i aint there moms and i aint gonna act like it.
Iced In Flames said:
Its true. It happened in Chicago. I work qwith two guys who went to the show. Scott was so fucked up he passed out while singing like the 5th song. So they finished the song and took him backstage and Tremonti came out and apologized and did some soloing and shit til Scott woke up. He came out a bit later with no shirt on and puke on his pants. then some of the songs were sang so bad that they turned down Scotts mic and Mark sang the songs.

I'm confused, what band are you talking about here?
Oh come on, a simple search at allmusic.com witht he names he listed could of answered that one. :p

He's talking about the whole creed thing.
Jared Anderson. The bassist from Hate Eternal, Internecine and formerly of Morbid Angel. All I know is that he has a bad enough problem with drugs to quit Hate Eternal, I expect its something like cocaine or heroin.
Ageless said:
Jared Anderson. The bassist from Hate Eternal, Internecine and formerly of Morbid Angel. All I know is that he has a bad enough problem with drugs to quit Hate Eternal, I expect its something like cocaine or heroin.
Yeah, I read about that. Hate Eternal has a new CD coming out in early 2004. Is Jared still on that CD? I'll definitely be buying it.
Then there are the bands that have written awesome music while not wasted.

U2, The Cult, Sepultura, Fear Factory, Earth Crisis, etc.