Drugs and Metal

since when has dilluding your minded with chemicals gone hand in hand which was once intelligent music?

whatever, you guys wanna do that to yourselves, go right ahead.
Drinking and listening to metal is fun, but getting high off metal is for idiots, now you kiddies go back and listen to your linkin park and evanescence, get fucked up, and die, no one here seems to give a shit, this thread only proves how stupid people mix drugs with the greatest for of expression
Alcohol is definitely one of the most dangerous drugs in existence. All drugs, whether if you smoke, drink, snort or shoot it all results in the same thing...physical and mental damage that can be very permanent. Sure it's fun as hell while you're doing it but get back to me in 10, 15 or 20 years and let me know if it was worth it. Of coarse none of you will take my word for it, I sure didn't when people told me back then. So I learned the hard way which sadly most people do.