Drugs and Metal


Nov 19, 2001
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It seems that most popular metal bands, at one time or another, become major addicts, or at least taste the forbidden narcotic fruit; so I have this question for everyone: How do you feel about drugs- are they a necessary part of music- should they be legal?
chemicalburn said:
Thats simple. Legal-Yes. Necessary-No

Myt sentiments exactly, drugs should be legal if only for one reason-the quality of the product, right now in America you do not know what you might get because of the illegality of drugs and how hard it is to produce a quality product because of cost and risk. If drugs were regulated a lot of over doses would not happen and drugs use would drop off IMO.

I do not use any drug except for alcohol, that is enough for me, but I tend to stand on the side of Warrel Dane on the drug issue.
Psychadelic drugs are best used for psychadelic sounds like on TD's Electronic medication.

Cannabis is best used with Stoner Metal.

Both of those can be beneficial, drugs on other genres of Metal and even sometimes those combinations can ruin the music.
I think drugs should be legal but they are by no means necessary for great music. But when I did used to smoke weed I found that I was really creative and wrote some cool riffs when I was baked.
There's two incredibly boring subjects connected with metal - Religion and Drugs. There's nothing more boring than someone going on about how great cannabis is or how great Jesus was.
I'd be happy if both subjects would just fuck off and we could discuss MUSIC. If we want to talk about dope or speed (yes I HAVE tried them) we can find the Ultimate Drugs forum - there's no need for it here, it's a music board for fuck sake.
speed said:
It seems that most popular metal bands, at one time or another, become major addicts, or at least taste the forbidden narcotic fruit; so I have this question for everyone: How do you feel about drugs- are they a necessary part of music- should they be legal?

Yes, drugs should be legal, and they should be subject to taxation and to advertising restrictions. People who want drugs will get them, legal or illegal. We can allow people to buy tested and approved product from reputable, licensed outlets, or we can force them to pay exorbitant prices to a guy named Badass for a wrap of brick dust and floor cleaner with just that little pinch of heroin for flavour.

As for necessary, not in the least. They are not mind-expanders, they are perception-warpers. You might produce something "disjointed and angular", but you are highly unlikely to produce something great, unless you were already a great artist beforehand.
Psychonaut said:
Eh, I don't use any 'cept alcohol so I don't care either way. I do think that if some drugs were legal, the cops would have more time to do more important things...
yeah like eating more donuts:tickled:

anyway here in my country pot is lmost legal, everybody smokes it, everybody know it, nobody cares:kickass:
I don't care. I'd say legalise all drugs, and if people want to harm themselves then they can...but those people would probably influence other people, so it wouldn't work...maybe.

I don't take drugs, I never have and most probably never will. I've never felt the need.
I dont think drugs are essential to metal, but it definatly adds something to the band. For example, acid, the drug most people think is bad due to bad media bias. Anyways, I have done acid twice. There is truely a sinergy between acid and music. When I played guitar on acid I could play 3 times as fast an accurate (LSD, activates your adrenal glands). It also makes you more creative and more musically and compositionally intune with your instruments and other band members. Thats why the Doors, Black Sabbath, and Hendrix had such an ambient deep sound. Now of course you don't need drugs to write good music, I have written excellent songs not on drugs. And the drugs I have done havent done any damage (simply because I do them intelligently). Anyways, yea I think its cool to hear the music of someone who is on drugs. But as long is its good music, I dont care if they are on drugs or not. I think they should only legalize certain drugs ie. (Weed, Shrooms, LSD, etc.)

Oh and Takinthemusicback, no one cares, why post something negative and waste space, everyone else is replying with normal responses.
On another note- I think drugs are actually detrimental for music, I think it interferes with what I want to accomplish when I write, and that is laying out some of my emotional baggage in a creative way, I would not want to have my conciousness muted or heightened while I try to do this, it would be taking away from my goal.

Justwhat I feel here folks.
saturnix said:
every person should be free to ingest what they feel like, given the right environment and precautions are taken.

agree! it's total bullshit that you can not do what you want with yourself. But I don't think it is smart to legalize the selling part. It should be ok to buy and use, but not sell. It sounds stupid, but think about it. I personly don't care for drugs, and if my child/girlfriend/buddy were to use them I would have tried to make them stop (not forcing them off course). And if selling drugs was legal things would go really wrong... and there should be a age limit as well. just as beer. cause children are easy to fuck up (not literaly he he) and they don't always know what is best for themselves. If you know what I mean??
For me, drugs would just get in the way of the ULTIMATE drug-MUSIC!!!!

I won't touch drugs beyond a nice glass of wine, beer or a mixed drink now and then.

given that, if a Adult in the US wants to pump themself full of whatever in the privacy of their own home-let em! They should have the choice what they put in their body.
They get addicted-its their problem!
Their life falls apart-its their problem!
With things such as this, responsiblity and moderation go hand and hand.

Anyway..back to music talk