
Reaction to drugs?

  • Have tested...I like it

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • Have tested...Dont like it

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • Havent tested!

    Votes: 23 53.5%

  • Total voters
I've tried but don't do drugs other than coffee, tobacco and alcohol (Satori, I agree, they ARE drugs), at least consciously. :)

Not that my experiences with drugs were bad or anything, not at all, I just don't feel like I need to use them; alcohol is "enough" for me. I have nothing against people who want to use drugs.

I didn't vote because the options are too limited.
I smoke pot fairly regularly. It's totally relaxing for me.

Me too. When I'm pretty much stuck at home and there's not much to do but watch this movie, if I get baked whatever I'm watching is 10x more interesting. But, only with TV. When I get high with friends, it's all about having fun. When I get high listening to music, it's all about appreciating depth and complexity. To me, there's not other illegal drug out there that I prefer. I've done acid, mescaline and mushrooms before too. They always give me a major headache. Seems like they get worth with every trip. Those days MAY be over. I only drink on the weekends and I'm trying to quit these fucking nasty cigarettes already. I'm having a hell of a time letting go. So, I figure I'm going to quit one, and it's not going to be pot.

It's the best drug of them all as far as I'm concerned.
I smoke when I can get it.

When my first born was around 2 years old, I temporarily quit for fear he would see me and say something. Plus, being in an apartment wasn't conducive to a relaxing smoke.

Now that I have my own home, and 1 of 2 kids is off to college, I find more time to enjoy. When I have some, I smoke quite a bit, but if I run out, I am not desperate to find some more.

In college, I experimented with harder stuff, but that didn't last long (although the one mushroom trip I had was the best ever). Now, I may have a drink or too, but I don't like the spinning, queesy (sp?) feeling of too much alcohol. With pot, I never feel crappy - just relaxed, and in my own mind, more alert (ie: music sounds so much better). I have noticed a few brain cells missing, but if that's the worse thing that happens to me, that's OK. As I get older, my body will begin to fail anyways, so why not make it more relaxing?:D
Ok, I'll go.

I've tried lsd, mushrooms, coke, crystal meth, pcp (by accident), 2-CB (aka Nexus), and speed. I've only done them a few times and in very small amounts just to satisfy my curiosity. They aren't anything to get too excited over, particularly coke which was about as fun as jamming my thumb in my ass without lube.

The only thing I do regularly is weed, but not as much nowadays, and soon it'll become a very occasional thing. I'll still do the odd hit of mdma (pure stuff, not that mixed e crap), but it's a rare thing.

I think some drugs are inherently bad, the ones that cause severe withdrawal symptoms and make you want to do them again after you come down from them, namely, coke/crack, heroin, crystal meth, pcp, and nicotine. These are what I call "pain drugs", that is, they cause more pain than pleasure, which also explains why they are the most addictive as people use them mainly to avoid their withdrawal symptoms (how sad).

I have never had a problem stopping weed. It's like chocolate to me, I can take it or leave it. Mdma is not a pain drug cuz you simply can't do it again when you come off it, it won't do much for you and it'll end up making you feel worse. It has a built in limitation.
