Hey Protocol,
hope your wild times are going ok...
anyway yeah... I always think to myself 'am I being closed to other conceptions and relevations by thinking that I'm right?' so I always try to question and refine something... cause I live by that ole saying 'question all authority, including your own' (and thanx for reminding me of it... you're quite observant I notice).... hopefully conversations like this can help to refine something I think is the 'prima materia', better known in english rather than alchemical terms as 'the pure essence'.
And to me I try to find the essence, without all the dogmatic bullshit, without all the restraints, ties and cultural crap. I just want to understand the pure essence of what that thing is... and when I try to understand the universe, and such things as drugs etc, I try to break it down to the ultimate level no matter how complicated it is... (because Sloth to me is just something that gets in the way. I've had that demon possess me quite a bit in my life so I know its presence.)
Anyway, I notice that everything has a duality (and you can try to challange that and see if you can think of something that doesn't

), and that duality is built of both negative and positive elements, which further refines into evolutionary and de-evolutionary, which is the base elements in life, what it can't be broken down into further, the prima materia.
Now with this in mind, we see that the essence in life is to either evolve or de-evovle, and anything with the de-evolutionary elements is deathly in existance. Now I'm not anti-drug. I don't think chemicals are drugs... only the overbalanced, or underbalanced use directly correlated with the necessity at hand. So for me to use a chemical(or anything else in existance for that matter including thought) when it is not needed, or to use a chemical in overbalance and cause harm, or use a chemical in underbalance and not receive the desired result seems 'stupid'. Totally moronic. If I wanted to I could align myself with de-evolution, but I don't want to die. For to be in pure alignment with de-evolution would be to be pure death.... non-existant.
I respect the wisdom of darkness (de-evolution) and understand its laws and powers and positive and negative duality (and use of the positive... which I can explain if you want). I acknowledge it without segregating myself from it like religion is trying to do to itself and the rest of society these days and totally deny its wisdom and existance (which I think is stupid, because no matter where wisdom comes from it should not be discriminated), and at the same time align myself with evolution and continually grow as a part of Nature.
There is no light without dark. Together they create Nature.. the whole, the expression of perfection. You can't segregate nature... de-evolution (represented by the mythical being satan) + evolution (represented by the mythical idiot, god) = Nature.
If we could not make mistakes and die and feel the pain of de-evolution we could not learn and therefore evolve. The formulae for exitance would not work. So I think its regressive for jesuit and other 'positive' based religions to shun on the dark wisdoms.
But then again Satanism acknowledges the dark wisdoms, but not the light. I think they're both fucked. Thats why I am an ecletic being. I don't need a crutch like religion. I make up my own conception of what the universe is and give my own brain a workout.
So this is what I've managed to work out being my eclectic questioning self about drugs. What do you think? I'd love to hear what any of you thinks really. Bring it on... he heheh...