Drum Editing


Dec 13, 2009
I know there are about a thousand threads on here about drum editing, and I definitely haven't read them all, so this subject may have been covered already, so excuse my ignorance if it has.

Earlier on today I was editing some drums, and started to find some duff kick and snare hits (as you do), and I just got on and replaced them with better hits from else where in the song. then I started chopping out any part where the kick/snare/toms/hihat aren't played (even between hits). I must say that this is the first time I have done this, and so obviously had to A/B to make sure it was actually benefiting the sound, and was rather surprised that the kick and snare sounded so much punchier edited this way, that having all the bleed left in from the other instruments.

I carried on and finished off the rest of the song in this way, continuously A/B-ing, once I had finished the other instruments too, the song sounded so much bigger, even without any EQ or Compression on anything!

Once I had finished EQing and Compressing, the drums seemed to have so much more character than that of normally mixed drums with the bleed, whether it be a little or a lot, bleed is bleed in my opinion.

Has anyone else tried this? What are other peoples methods of editing and mixing drums?
Sounds like a good idea, that's how I edit guitars and it works well. I haven't had a chance to work with drums yet, but when I do, I'll probably do this even though it takes a bit longer. Kind of seems like the same thing as using a gate though.