Drum heads


Aug 29, 2007
Whats your favorite drum heads to record metal with? Also list if you like coated or clear, single or dual ply. Currently I'm using Remo Emperors clear dual ply on an all maple PDP MX series and they sound great. Just wondering what everyone else likes. Especially for metal because so much of attack of the skin needs to cut through a dense mix.
Evans EC2 for toms, Evans Genera Dry or Genera HD Dry for snare, kick I never care because it's usually getting replaced anyway.
On my PDP CX I use Evans G2 Coated on the tom batters, G1s on the reso. Genera HD Dry on the snare batter, Hazy 300 on the bottom - Super Kick II on the kick batter, stock reso.
I quite like the Evans EC2 for toms, Genera dry on top and Hazy on bottom for snare.
I absolutely LOVED the Evans EMAD I once fitted on my drummers Pearl, no comparison with the Powerstroke he had before.
Been loving the powerstroke 3 on the kick, with the falam pad. I used to like the EMad but it was a bit too bassy in hindsight, always had problems with the muddy low end on projects it got used on. There's a nice attack on the powerstroke and a cool, full low end. I tune it as low as I can get away with.
Still haven't found a head I love over others on the snare, I'll give the evans genera one a go next time round. I reckon it's because each drummer brings in a different snare that I've yet to try a few heads on the same snare to find whats cool and whats not.
Yeah I used to record with the EC2 on the toms on a different kit plus and an HD Dry is always my first choice on the snare, I need to get me one for my piccolo snare. I've been using the Super kick II on the kick for years and love that thing.

Another question has anyone tried using the bass port on the kick? I dunno exactly what its called but its a big plastic thing thats flared out that you put into the kick drum for a better tuned port?
I've always used Remo. Not for any specific reason though, it's a very popular and common choice.

I'm actually very surprised it's only been mentioned in 2 posts so far though. I'm starting to wonder if I should give Evans a try as well, to see how it works for me.

I've been using Remo Ambassador and Emperor on everything, and Powerstroke 3 on kick. Kind of all-round choices.
Anyone here use pinstripes on the toms? I usually stick with emperors or sometimes evans G2's (basically the same thing anyway) but I think I'm going to try the pinstripes soon.
On my Mapex M Series I have G2's over G1's on the toms (clear). Genera dry on the snare and a Powerstroke 3 on the kick.

Are your top G2's clear as well as the resonant ones? I've been pondering whether or not to try clear heads on batter side.
I always ask drumers when they go down to studio to get brand new skins and I always recommend from my experience:
Toms: Remo Emperors, Evans EC2 batter side, Ambassadors reso
Snare: Remo CS Powercenter, Evans Genera HD dry (the one with little holes) ambassador reso
Kick: I´ve used aquarian, good scoop sound, and Remo Powerstroke 3

You know there are always like two kinds of drummers: Those who prefer Remo over Evans and viceversa so I always give them an option.

On my PDP CX I use Evans G2 Coated on the tom batters, G1s on the reso. Genera HD Dry on the snare batter, Hazy 300 on the bottom - Super Kick II on the kick batter, stock reso

Which are the differences if any on using coated skins on toms over standar clear???? I heard many producers from my city telling they´re better for studio purposes.
Anyone here use pinstripes on the toms? I usually stick with emperors or sometimes evans G2's (basically the same thing anyway) but I think I'm going to try the pinstripes soon.

I've been wondering about the pinstripes as well, especially since they are single ply and everyone else has mentioned dual ply heads which are warmer and not as bright. But the Ec2's and the Emperors are bright for a dual ply head.

Aren't coated heads usually single ply? Ive recorded them before and they are a bit "twangy" sounding but not in a bad way if that makes any sense.
I'm actually very surprised it's only been mentioned in 2 posts so far though. I'm starting to wonder if I should give Evans a try as well, to see how it works for me.

I've been using Remo Ambassador and Emperor on everything, and Powerstroke 3 on kick. Kind of all-round choices.

To be honest G1=Ambassador and G2=Emperor. You wouldn't notice much of a difference in tom heads I'd expect.

Anyone here use pinstripes on the toms? I usually stick with emperors or sometimes evans G2's (basically the same thing anyway) but I think I'm going to try the pinstripes soon.

Used pinstripes once, really didn't like them to be honest. Kinda soggy and dead sounding.

Are your top G2's clear as well as the resonant ones? I've been pondering whether or not to try clear heads on batter side.

Yep clear on both sides. For batter side coated heads tend to be a bit warmer sounding, whereas clear heads have a brighter attack.
Used a pinstripe on a floor tom on a recent recording. Sounded great but we spent a while tuning it and it wasn't metal. I don't think it would suit everything
I've been wondering about the pinstripes as well, especially since they are single ply and everyone else has mentioned dual ply heads which are warmer and not as bright. But the Ec2's and the Emperors are bright for a dual ply head.

Aren't coated heads usually single ply? Ive recorded them before and they are a bit "twangy" sounding but not in a bad way if that makes any sense.

Pinstripes are actually 2 ply. They're basically an emperor with some glue on the outer edge and that little plastic ring. They're supposed to sound similar but with less ring and overtones. That contributes to the "deadness" I've heard about them.

I think I'll give them a shot though. Saw a video of a band recording with Jens Bogren and they were using pinstripes. Got me a little curious...
I've always used Remo. Not for any specific reason though, it's a very popular and common choice.

I'm actually very surprised it's only been mentioned in 2 posts so far though. I'm starting to wonder if I should give Evans a try as well, to see how it works for me.

Not sure if you realize... Evans has been the #1 recommended brand so far in the thread (Genera Dry/HD Dry, G2 and G1 = Evans). ;)
Which are the differences if any on using coated skins on toms over standar clear???? I heard many producers from my city telling they´re better for studio purposes.

TBH, I couldn't give you an exact side-by-side comparison - I'd always used the clear ones, just because that's mainly what's available around me, but the Coated ones were on sale online when I needed some new heads, and after trying them, I've stuck to them. To me, they seem to have less ring (before, I'd have to use rings or moongels on some of the toms to tame it, now they sound great with just the heads) and more warmth, the lowend is a little deeper and they overall just tend to resonate a bit better. Also - They seem to last a lot longer than the clear heads do. The only bad thing is, they get random black marks on them - I still can't figure out where these are coming from, cause nothing I hit them with is black :err:

Used pinstripes once, really didn't like them to be honest. Kinda soggy and dead sounding.

+1, I had them on my old Starclassic set and they just made those drums sound dead and lifeless.