Drum openers

Serjeant Grumbles

Active Member
Mar 20, 2005
Post songs that start off with solo drums before the rest of the instruments come in. This songwriting technique is a good way to build up suspense for a song. Also feel free to post anything that doesn't strictly qualify because there are some ambient sounds before or during the opening, as long as it's fairly sparse and doesn't upstage the drums; I'm including one such song in my OP.

Nagelfar - Srontgorrth (Das dritte Kapitel)

Imperial Triumphant - Lower World

Doom drums

Reverend Bizarre - Cirith Ungol

My Dying Bride - Sear Me

The following song features some guitar right from the beginning, yet I'd say it's more ambient-like and the drums are still in the foreground, but judge for yourself:


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Can't go past this. Introduce yourself Mr. Bospath!!

...And of course, the blueprint behind the magic gets touched on at the 7min mark of this video.


The drum riff that High on Fire ripped off for 10,000 Years

I find this to be super effective opening drums.

After the distorted voice intro the drums really do drive that fucking gut punch.

Wish they would have kept it this way on DMDS but you can’t have it all I guess. It has the drum opening on the Life Eternal EP but I’m having trouble finding it on YouTube.
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