Drum Production Techniques/Tips (TesseracT, 4D Sounds)


Dec 2, 2003
Milton Keynes UK
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I've had quite a few requests for some tips on drum production. I've put some badly written ramblings together on my website for anyone interested along with some audio examples. I thought I'd share it here too :)

It doesn't focus on the settings too much as they're usually dependent on the material but more on the techniques.


Thanks a lot for sharing. Nothing way out of the ordinary here but the way you incorporate all the ingredients and mix them together makes for a damn fine superior drummer sound. I especially like the comparison betwenn dry and compression/parallel compression with room mics.
Good read! Well written, practical, to the point. The audio examples are *exactly* what was needed to give context and to 'get it'. Nice one!!
What velocity do you tend to use for kick in SD? The high end suggests it's not full velocity
Thanks for the replies. Glad some of you dig it. Again the effects are subtle but it all starts to stack up.

I'm using 127 for the hard hits in this. It won't sound very clicky because its the C&V pack which isn't very clicky to begin with. I mixed in a kick from Metal foundry into it a little aswell. Plus I didn't process the kick much and I don't particularly like clicky kicks...they sound unnatural to me.
Maybe Acle likes to talk a little bit about the new TesseraT drumrecording/mixing.
This snare-sound makes me freaking out. Its so clear, tight and cuts so awesome through the mix. Great balance between attack, body and room.
Maybe Acle likes to talk a little bit about the new TesseraT drumrecording/mixing.
This snare-sound makes me freaking out. Its so clear, tight and cuts so awesome through the mix. Great balance between attack, body and room.

Wouldn't mind that at all... :)