Drum Sample Store Online Now - 6 Kick Samples for Sale


Jan 16, 2009
Hey everyone,
I've just launched my new online drum sample store. Right now I've got 6 custom kick samples for sale.

Rock / Metal Kick Pack:
4 of my favourite home-made kick samples, ideal for rock & metal.

Kick sample made for and used on Counterparts' "Prophets" album.

Structured Kick:
Kick sample made for and used on Structures' "All of the Above" EP.

Download includes WAV and TRIGGER format.
Samples are close-mic only (no separate room sample) and multi-sampled with 3-4 hits each (hard hits only).

To check out audio samples and purchase:
Might do some snare samples in the future if I have enough interest on these!
I don't think I'll sell the Glass kick separate... but the other kicks in there are definitely useful. The Glass is my favourite too, though.
Pretty kick ass sounding samples. very interested in these...... just need to learn how to program drums first
Hey jval, mind sharing where the other kicks in the pack came from? Interested.

Glass Kick is a sample I recorded and made a few years ago for a band called The Intake of Glass - http://www.facebook.com/theintakeofglass/app_178091127385
It's my favourite kick sample and I've used it on countless mixes, either blended or on its own.

ABD Kick is from a recent EP I did for Abide - http://www.facebook.com/Abideofficial

Ocean Kick is also a few years old, the band it was for no longer exists.

Tailored kick is from an EP I did with Kingdoms http://www.facebook.com/kingdomstheband
YES. Just got a chance to run through these and the GlassKick stood out like a MOTHERFUCKER to me. Absolutely LOVE IT. That sample alone is worth the price of admission.

Trust me.

Ocean kick rules pretty hard as well....

PHEW. All SUPERBLY usable and I foresee myself using these a LOT.

Thanks jval, you RULE.
Glass Kick is a sample I recorded and made a few years ago for a band called The Intake of Glass - http://www.facebook.com/theintakeofglass/app_178091127385
It's my favourite kick sample and I've used it on countless mixes, either blended or on its own.

ABD Kick is from a recent EP I did for Abide - http://www.facebook.com/Abideofficial

Ocean Kick is also a few years old, the band it was for no longer exists.

Tailored kick is from an EP I did with Kingdoms http://www.facebook.com/kingdomstheband

thanks for the info man thats awesome! tried buying again but still down for me. is it down for anyone else?
Thanks Charles :) (everyone check out his stuff as well, it's killer).

I'm sorry for all the problems. Now the site I was using to handle payments is down... hopefully it will come back asap. If not, I'll find another solution.