Drum Test - Any thoughts?


May 24, 2005

Just did a drum test of our first acoustic kit. They start tracking tomorrow. Do you hear anything that I need to fix before starting? I thought the sound was decent but the toms sound "blatty" to me.

This is with a little EQ and verb.

I love posting samples here because I get blunt and honest responses.
6 words:

Toms aside - this kicks ass, dude.


Speaking of toms, I just picked up the Custom/Vintage DFHS addon and think I have discovered a bad sample pool/glithces on the Noble and Cooley 16" FT. =(
I thought the toms could stand a bit of muting. The decay seems to be a little long for fast drumming.
Hats seem a little quiet...but then again there's no guitars or anything to really judge. Add some very light room style reverb to the snare if possible. And I think somebody said it already, but gate the toms a bit more so they punch more...again though, this might be fixed with guitars added. Drums sound a LOT different with guitars, bass, and vocals added to the mix, so this is actually a GREAT starting point. Good job.
