drum triggers


Aug 19, 2010
I'm really open to try out ddrum triggers and alesis trigger i/o.
unfortunatly I can't seem to get any information on the matter.
I'm working on pro tools with mbox.
It's my understanding that I could connect the triggers to the trigger i/o and then via midi cable or usb directly in to a midi or instrument track and use them with superior drummer.
And I understand that there is a whole variety of velocity control and so on, but how about different snare effects? like sidestick and whurl or what you english speaking people call it haha. I'm from Iceland so I don't know all the technical words.
thank you
best regards David
you're right with all the concepts, but I had a trigger i/o and really didn't like it. just couldn't get it accurate. if your mbox has MIDI in, then you're better off with just about any other trigger module out there, ideally the roland stuff being the best. but any drum trigger module will have MIDI out. superior can do just about anything with snare effects, you just need to assign notes accordingly or edit the MIDI after it's been recorded.


also worth mentioning that all the toontrack stuff has built-in presets for compatibility with the roland e-kits (and their modules.)
so would you say that the roland TD-20 is the business?
I was checking it out and I like the idea of having direct outs of every instrument.
not like the alesis dm5 wich has only a stereo out
roland, ddrums break a lot.

you can just plug the triggers into your console/interface and record the signal, and then use software like drumagog/aptrigga/slate's trigger to... uh.. trigger the samples.

If you really need midi, then the alesis dm5 is the best option, it's cheap, has lots of options to properly calibrate the trigger sensitivity and has midi out.

Ddrums break alot but the pro's have a decent mount.
Drumdial triggers are cheap and durable but have a shit mount.
Rolands seem to have a pretty good rep, but are a bit more expensive than the other 2.
Personally I'm using drumdial triggers mounted to my ddrum pro's. Working pretty well.

Quite surprised at the comments about the Alesis Trigger IO. Surely if Alesis can get the DM5 to trigger well they would have just took that stuff out of the DM5 and into the Trigger IO?
pulse percussion red hots
or the ddrum red shots

you can get alot cheaper triggers or even make them yourself but I want this to be kinda solid because you can't get triggers where I live I think so I'm going to have to order them and also you guys where talking about the dm5 module.
I was checking out the roland module and you really can't get a price anywhere because it's sold with the electronic kits.
I really like the roland one because it makes for a good monitor whilst recording. And also I would like to be able to monitor it directly with superior drummer and record it unto a midi track.

also the main thing that bugs me with the dm5 is that it doesn't have direct out's only stereo out
thank you
Imo is the Trigger i/o a waste of money for recording.
It's hard to get it accurate and the mistriggers are pretty much uncontrolable.

I love the way of triggering into a pre and straight into the interface.
Especially with Slates Trigger. It's so accurate and easy, works like a charm.
so you're saying this dosen't have to be any more complecaited or expansive than just to buy triggers and connect them via xlr directly to your preamps and have slate trigger in your daw triggering some cool sounds on them whilst you're recording.
Am I understanding you correctly?
because I like this Idea the best even though I was spending fucking money on superior drummer with metal foundry and the drumtracker. but now a days I am much more into the slate thing.
roland, ddrums break a lot.

yes they do. I will have to replace the transducers in all the triggers except for the snare trigger. the replacement transcuder is 10EUR.

on the other hand the mounting mechanism is really really top notch