Drum Vibrations


Jan 24, 2012
Sympathetic vibration on drums.

What are some of the methods you guys use to minimize/eliminate annoying ringing and vibrations from other drums while playing.


- Constant snare buzzing when hitting kick and toms.
- Ringing toms when kick or snare is struck.


I've tried tons of different things (tuning, tape, paper towel lol, you name it)

I appreciate any suggestions, thanks \m/\m/
My drums always start with proper tuning and Moon gels to tame individual drums if necessary. You can cut the moon gels if they do too much or add more if the need it if they are still overreactive. I've used them on ride cymbals that ring endlessly and that reduced some of the sustain and helped to bring out the attack. Volume automation of the toms when they are played versus not or editing them in sections where they aren't being played will help as well.

I may want more bleed from the individual mics on some sessions. Read a Post from Jeff yesterday which i wanted to high five him for about reducing the shells from the Oh's yesterday. The mic's should pick up the sound of the kit and room and how each drum interacts with each other IE kick drum and toms in the snare sound specifically the bottom. Source material will vary my approach for sure but I am happy to see more metal productions with more natural sounding kits and I think working to capture the sound of the whole kit instead of the sound of each individual piece spot miked with samples to support room or whatever is best.
I use moon gels, my biggest issue is the snares buzzing when kicks and toms are struck.
You can tighten down the snares a little bit so they aren't quite as loose but chances are it will still be there just maybe less. That obviously will alter the sound of your snare a bit so that may not be an option. Could also be room resonance or reflections that's creating a bump in those frequencies which engage the snare more. I had an issue in a room where i rotated the whole kit 45 degrees and the problem was solved.
the snare has to buzz when hitting anything else :)
also, every drumhead starts vibrating whenever you hit anything else, be it another drumhead or your favorite crash. that´s not necessarily bad
just make sure the kit is tuned properly, so there´s equal buzz on all toms and the kick

re. damping: none for me please. not on toms, not on the snare. got single-ply heads on all of them.
the kick is a different animal
i use quite a bit of dampening on my toms and snare, but i'm all about close mics being dead at the moment and then having options of kit and room pairs.

The main resonance issues i've run into is certain rack tom and snare, i try and use different dimensions and tuning to get them as far away from each other as possible without making either one sound like it doesn't belong in the kit as a whole, as even if you edit out the bleed between hits (which i do for toms) you still get sympathetic ringing in your overheads, kit mics and maybe rooms depending on how far away they are,
In my current project I cant stop my snare wires from rattling, its annoying. Im in a treated room ( fairly dead sounding ), best i've come up with is a piece of paper towel under each end of the snare strainer , it helped a ton, but i dont love the snare crack now.
For snare buzz first thing I'll normally do is loosen the 4 lugs nearest the snare strainer, if that doesn't work then it's on to tuning the offending tom to get it sitting at a pitch further away from that of the bottom snare head.

Tom resonance is just something that you have to deal with really, as long as it's not going absolutely mental then you'll be fine once you've gated the toms.