drumagog velocities and pitched snare hits...dun dun dunnnn

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
can drumagog handle different velocities,

ie: trigger a soft hit with a light snare hit and trigger a harder hit with a harder sound within the same audio file on the same channel?

also im to believe that drumagog cant trigger multiple snare tunings?

my drummer likes pushing on the skin after each hit at a different place to make a higher or lower pitched hit in one of our songs as an effect but i dont know how on earth to go about doing this with triggers or if its even possible.

any and all info would be gladly accepted and followed by a free bottle of beer in the post:kickass:
I don't have drumagog but i would think that you could do this. You can with ApTrigga and drumagog is supposed to be better. as far as the pitch bend thing with the snare you could set that part of the song on a separate track and automate the bend with the pitch function in drumagog if it has one. If not you could just program that part in midi and bend it there. I doubt this is much help but oh well i tried.
Yes drumagog can do all kinds of different velocities. It does allow you to pitchshift samples too, so I imagine you could automate it if you want.