Drumkit From Hell Superior question


Mar 30, 2005
Last night I downloaded a DFHS demo file from Toontrack website (Improve the isation.zip).
In this file there are 9 wave drum tracks, made with DFHS (I think they are the the last step result of DFHS, where it "exports" every virtual mic in a different audio track).
With Sonar I have mixed these audio tracks (every track is mono) and the result was a very realistic drum sound with a realistic dynamic.
My question is: can I do a realistic drum sound like that, with a basic midi file(everything with the same velocity), if I play with the velocity randomize?
Or can I do this only if I play real triggered drums or electronic drums?

And about the Overhead micing in DFHS(but also the other mics)...I don't understand how can it capture every drum sound, like a real recording. It's a simulation with the kit I use or what else?

I'm very curious about that things :confused:

Sorry for the long post :worship:
Playing an e-kit or triggering from real drums will be the most 'realistic', of course... because it really is a record of real events. But it still translates to numbers, so you can use randomizing, and actually program the velocity to make to sound just as 'real' ..dynamically
::XeS:: said:
And about the Overhead micing in DFHS(but also the other mics)...I don't understand how can it capture every drum sound, like a real recording. It's a simulation with the kit I use or what else?

They just recorded each drum how it sounds through all the mics.
That's why there are so many samples in DFHS.
::XeS:: said:
Last night I downloaded a DFHS demo file from Toontrack website (Improve the isation.zip).
In this file there are 9 wave drum tracks, made with DFHS (I think they are the the last step result of DFHS, where it "exports" every virtual mic in a different audio track).
With Sonar I have mixed these audio tracks (every track is mono) and the result was a very realistic drum sound with a realistic dynamic.
My question is: can I do a realistic drum sound like that, with a basic midi file(everything with the same velocity), if I play with the velocity randomize?
Or can I do this only if I play real triggered drums or electronic drums?

And about the Overhead micing in DFHS(but also the other mics)...I don't understand how can it capture every drum sound, like a real recording. It's a simulation with the kit I use or what else?

I'm very curious about that things :confused:

Sorry for the long post :worship:
I'm trying to understand your post. Sorry, not trying to sound rude. Fredrik made that file. But, I know you will have to use more than just one velocity(Full 127) to get it to sound like that. Nudging and imperfections help too! What I mean is give some hits a offset= 10ms+ on some. If you just want to hear only O.H.'s mute everything else. If you want to just hear ambience/room mics mute all but those misc. Mixing everything gives D.F.H.S. that very 'real' drum sound. This small sample has ambience mixed with all mics -overheads and individual mics.wave sample D.F.H.S. I penciled in all the midi-notes for this.
Yeah, how Fredrik obtains such a nice tone out of the POD XT is amazing! and the same goes for how he get's DFHS to sound like that as well...

On the DFHS disc, there are actual settings he used on these demos, but everytime i use those settings, i just can't seem to get the same result at all... very weird...