Drumming issues

May 27, 2001
Just out of interest, is there anyone who misses Jonas' drumming? Do you like Daniel's style on LFDGD?
I think Jonas developed a brilliant and yet almost simplistic way of dealing with a drumkit, even his early work on DoDS is amazing. My fav is still Brave Murder Day though.
Daniel's style, on the other hand, is refreshing, it keeps Kata's trademarks, leaves room for industrial loans ('Chrome') and adds some nice fills. So I like both :)

By the way, what's your opinion on the drum machine in 'We Must Bury You'? I know there has already been talk about it, but now that the track had some time to grow on you...
To my mind it's great Kata tries to explore new 'soundscapes', although I wouldn't like an album with too much electronics, there should as well be rather traditional songs like 'Dispossession'.

p.s. It was my intention to leave out Swanö (drums on TD) as he's never been a full member. Nevertheless he did a nice job :)
Good topic ! Esp since I have been drumming for almost a decade now and I am a Katatonia lover. You and I are the only ones, im sure who notice the drumming details here. here I go :
Jonas... his drumming was VERY basic and often sounded like was falling asleep on the kit (lol), he gave Katatonia that simple style and also used some very bad triggers (D.O) that you cant help but like somehow ! (i think even his ride cymbal was triggered!).
You can almost hear that he is depressed in his drumming, nevermind the obvious vocals/lyrics ! However, in comes Dan Swano who plays just like Jonas would have (ad a few more fills and better drum sound, by a bit). No big difference. Then comes the new guy on LFDGD who ups the notch a bit more with bigger/fuller drum sound and a very powerful playing style that adds confidence (and some nice fills!). Overall I notice something though... THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME more or less ! hahaha.
Not much to distinguish them by. For example... listen to my drumming, you can tell my personality/my mood at the time and my technique ! With those 3, it is quite generic... no offense, they only help the music and enhance it with their subtle simplicities.
Originally posted by Scapegrace
Good topic ! Esp since I have been drumming for almost a decade now and I am a Katatonia lover. You and I are the only ones, im sure who notice the drumming details here. here I go :
Jonas... his drumming was VERY basic and often sounded like was falling asleep on the kit (lol), he gave Katatonia that simple style and also used some very bad triggers (D.O)/my mood at the time and my technique ! With those 3, it is quite generic... no offense, they only help the music and enhance it with th that you cant help but like somehow ! (i think even his ride cymbal was triggered!).

Just had to jump in, since I'm also a drummer, and say that when my band recorded some new demos, my drum sound turned out almost identical to Discouraged Ones (especially snare drum & bass drum) and we used no triggers at all. Infact, Anders has told me that NO TRIGGERS were used on any albums except DoDS, FFTC and BMD -- which means the drum sound on DO is 100% natural, so indeed they can't sound like 'bad triggers' at all..

The worst triggers in the fukking world are those that all the "new" Norwegian blackmetal bands use, ie Zyklon... I want to vomit when I hear those. Why not use a drum machine (heh, well they are in a way, heheh).
vomit away, anyway, i prefer the new drumming but i really think the simplistic drumming on songs like Saw You Drown adds to the whole efeect of the song and fits in perfectly. i like the songs the way they are, so i dont really mind too much, seeing it like that.
I love Jonas' drumming, it is "in the pocket" so to speak. It creates a great atmosphere but i have to say skill wise ( i may get attacked for this) the new drummer is WAY better in every way, actually. I play drums too by the way......
the new drummer is WAY better in every way, actually. I play drums too by the way......

True, but not in every way. I think Daniel's dexterous and varied style on LFDGD has its (legitimate) price. I sometimes miss more straightforward action, this pure, austere drumming that Jonas had made perfect. But there's no doubt: Daniel knows his trade and his engagement was wise.

By the way, I neither play drums nor any other instrument - so I'll better shut up now :)
I prefer Daniel's drumming. I guess the band do too or they wouldn't have hired him.

I love Jonas' drumming on BMD, and Swano's on TD, but I feel that Jonas' drumming got a bit too simple for what the band probably needed in their last two albums.

And by the way, I HATE that stupid recurring drum fill on the last track from DO. Because of it, that song is probably my least favourite on an otherwise great album.

But yeah, I'd love for Daniel to stay in the band. I was impressed with him since the first time I heard 'Teargas'