Driving me insane + Music for yourself.


living, breathing
Apr 29, 2001
Solitary Refinement
I've felt compelled to write something in response to a particular thread by "TheDarkLord", a disgruntled Turkish kid who feels it necessary to spread laughable lies even when the band members are kind enough to try and set the record straight. The consistent complaints and misguided truths in these posts are actually quite humorous on one level, yet at the other I feel there should be some end to it. Perhaps posting in response to this then isn't the best mode of action, but nevertheless I'll do it anyways:

Music should be written for the artist themselves. Music should not be written for the fans. This is DEFINITELY the case in my band, DAYLIGHT DIES. We write music to please ourselves - and if we achieve that - then we are successful. If others enjoy it too, that's great. If they don't, that's fine too. Considering the fact that I know Anders/Jonas very well, and have for quite some time, I can tell you that they take this same approach with Katatonia. So your -complaints- about their current music style (which more albums have been release in, as compared to the previous style) are falling on deaf ears. It's alright if you only enjoy the old albums, that's fine.. but posting numerous enormous messages trying to convince people that you are right, or spreading hilarious propaganda about who wrote what lyrics eventually becomes irritating rather than humorous. Anders even took the time to respond to you to try and clear up some facts, but you decided to be defiant and rude to him anyways.

When Katatonia wrote albums like DoDS/BMD/SoD - they were writing them for themselves. If you had thought all along that they were trying to fit into what your description of what is musically acceptable, you are gravely mistaken. Once again, it comes down to the music being written for THEIR satisfaction - if you also like it, great, if not, don't listen to it. Anders point about you (speaking to TheDarkenLord here) being 9 years old when DoDS came out is incredibly relevant. His point was that it was during your pre-teen years that Katatonia felt satisfied writing and preforming DoDS/BMD/SoD material. Clearly they find greater satisfaction in the music they have been writing for the past THREE albums, and thusly they decide to play whichever songs they feel best about.

So please be a bit mature and understand that we KNOW what you like, you've made it clear. It's not neccessary to become so immature and irritating.
Thanks. Yeah, if we weren't all influenced by some bands there wouldn't be much music coming out of speakers. ;). We have a lot of influences, but we want to write really good Daylight Dies songs..

Anyways, those songs on mp3.com are off our demo, we're getting a full length together to be recorded in October.. I'm looking foward to it, I'm really pleased with the material.
If you can't relate to what you write you have nothing. Thats cool your gonna record a full length forlorn. Also ive been meaning to ask you for quite some time is that an actual pic. of you (i'm pretty sure it is)?
Yeah I also agree that music should be written for the artists.And we fans are trying to catch the feelings which are similiar to us And by this way music becomes universal.I don't either interested who wrote xxx song,or xxx 's changed style.These're not up to me.I only listen and try to feel something...
First of all I agree that's a nice pic of yours there.. And I would like to hear about your music.. Was it on the mp3.com ?

And then I see my words are all taken as sins here.. I'm not a hater of Katatonia, I'm a fan.. A fan does not mean to me the one who loves everything the Beloved does.. It's all my problem if I don't like something, or I like something more than the others.. If agreed at this point, I'm passing this over..

I'm not a kid.. If you're saying that because of the short 17 springs I've passed on this scattered earth, you'll be mistaken.. It's not the age that tells the maturity.. Whatever, you can regard on people's ages on, I won't discuss that..

Laughable lies ? Oh, god.. Why shall I lie for a band that I'm a fan of ? Not that, but this makes me laugh.. If this laughable lie you mean is about the Lyrics of Dance of December Souls, I accepted the official reponse.. I think you didn't read that post right.. And I said it would be no more discussed.. But I still think the way I was thinking before.. Is it immature or irritating ? Shall I lie ? Shall I say ' Now I believed.. Tnx Anders '.. I still think the other way, and as an official mouth responded, I shut up about that, and left that thought only for myself.. This is also clear..

If music is written for the artists themselves, then why do they publish it ? Why don't they listen to it and enjoy themselves ? That's not right in my opinion.. They shall enjoy it, so shall we.. And there's no problem on that, I'm enjoying Katatonia and they're enjoying themselves.. There's no propaganda, I like their old albums, and you can like the new ones.. Propoganda, geez..

Still that age problem.. Do you mean that they're not enjoying their past music any more ? Yes enjoyed it then, and can't they enjoy it again now ? I just asked if it wouldn't be good, if they played songs from the old albums also in their concerts.. If he says no, and that will probably be the reply :), that's ok.. Of course the band is theirs, not mine, or not another Katatonia fan, and they would play whatever they want.. I only think that more would be satisfied, if they can play at least one track from each old album.. Whatever.. I still don't know why my words hurt that much..

I'm sorry if I hurt Anders, or Katatonia, or our Modifier, or if I you saw me as an immature, irritating little kid, *smiles*.. This is not a propaganda or something against Katatonia.. I wish them their best..
What can I say (with my bad english, hehe), well both sides tell the truth. Jesse u remember like Metallica maked big hill of shit named Load? I was rdy to kill Ulrich and K for this vomit. I can understand guys who started in 18 and now its 30+ ppl and vision on misic is changed blah blah blah BUT,man, I paid 20 bucks for this "manure". Should band play one song from album to album (AC/DC, Motorhead,Slayer's way)? No, dont think so, but fans must know about changes into the music. Cauz every pop band (I think all bands who sell theirs albums its pop band, dont think pop is shit,The Beatles was pop too) want get money for their music and fan should know what he's buying, and have choice: buy or not to buy (almost Shakespeare:)