Drums play, when guitar plays

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New Metal Member
Aug 19, 2010
I know the titel sounds a bit weird, but I don't know how to say it another way.

I just watched some Youtube videos and then I found 2 videos from Joey Sturgis:



My question is, how to do something like this, cause this seems to be a lot of fun. :D
I have a good drum computer thingy and cubase 5. Do I need something else to do that?

Put Slate Trigger on an insert for whatever track you're recording guitar on and keep the sensitivity low. I did it a couple time on accident last week when I forgot to change some of my internal routing and the guitar was playing through where the kick was recorded.
No shit! I did this a while ago when I learned how to setup a trigger in reaper. It is a lot of fun.
I talked to him tonight btw and he told me that he's been taking off his information since december, he won't tell me the reason. And also that he was trying to get back into the forum, until he searched around and found how bad his name was around here, and something about getting blamed for stuff like this even though he touches the forum every few months.

Which I can understand, I know the guy in real life, we went to high school together and he's pretty chill. Yeah he had those internet trolling phases, he even got suspended from school one year for hacking the school and getting credit card information from our business program. He mostly did this stuff when he was bored but I doubt he would have the time now, as for him being in Air Force ROTC and full time student at University of Washington. Reason I know is cause I see the Navy out here at GWU in D.C. and every other day and it seems like there is no time for too much messing around for those guys. Unless you want to get academic suspension/lose scholarships if that floats your boat.

edit: ironically this was on his birthday.
wow...he's a liar, some of these things can clearly be traced back to his IP.
he contacted me, telling me that he wants back and that he regrets his trolling, asking if I could let it slip if he just created a new account....
and guess what his first posts were?
Same Joey Sturgis trolling shit again!
this guy cannot be trusted, he'll come back again and again, and it'll always be trolling, cause that's the only thing he has to gain some attention in his pathetic life.
it's not only this forum though, his name is pretty much ruined all over the internet, that includes all social sites and political forums as well....and the internet nowadays can be more powerful than he thinks....I don't think he knows how much he fucked himself in the arse tbh.

my time is too precious to take care of all his bullshit on this forum, I hope he gets hit by a bus.

BTW, one of his last posts was posting underage porn...I've only softdeleted that post, the pics and all his info, IP etc are still there...
feel free to tell him that it's not very difficult to forward that to the authorities, and that is definitely gonna fuck his career up.
I haven't done that so far, but you can assure him that I WILL DO THAT if he keeps trolling this forum!
wow...he's a liar, some of these things can clearly be traced back to his IP.
he contacted me, telling me that he wants back and that he regrets his trolling, asking if I could let it slip if he just created a new account....
and guess what his first posts were?
Same Joey Sturgis trolling shit again!
this guy cannot be trusted, he'll come back again and again, and it'll always be trolling, cause that's the only thing he has to gain some attention in his pathetic life.
it's not only this forum though, his name is pretty much ruined all over the internet, that includes all social sites and political forums as well....and the internet nowadays can be more powerful than he thinks....I don't think he knows how much he fucked himself in the arse tbh.

my time is too precious to take care of all his bullshit on this forum, I hope he gets hit by a bus.

BTW, one of his last posts was posting underage porn...I've only softdeleted that post, the pics and all his info, IP etc are still there...
feel free to tell him that it's not very difficult to forward that to the authorities, and that is definitely gonna fuck his career up.
I haven't done that so far, but you can assure him that I WILL DO THAT if he keeps trolling this forum!

idk, I still believe him. also can I see a link to the thread, we can't find anything. At least we searched veronicafalls and it never came up.

Dude you go to GW? What year are you? My best friend is a sophomore there!

I'm a sophomore bro!!! best school in the world, just a stones throw away from all the action.
This guy has major problems. It's so damn pointless for him to keep coming here. I can't for the fuck of me understand why he bothers. He's got to be crazy, in some way or another.
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