
Sounds pretty good, Steven Slate right? My only fear is that it will probably not cut through the mix very well, since it's pretty dark and roomy. But that could be adjusted when you start mixing it with other instruments. I also hear a slight annoying ring sound on the snare which could be fixed.
Haha yeah that ring annoys me to, it's snare 11's fault. I do agree with the drums being dark, I want the snare really dark so I can put it high in the mix, like chango's newer productions - Memphis may fire's challenger hence the reason it is so dead. I have added a lot of room for the illusion of size, I'm not a fan of SSD dry - sounds really goofy! Thanks for the tips!
Honestly, don't worry with that ring. Sounds more natural to me with a small ring. It's not that big of an issue, it's not out of control. About it cutting through the mix, you'll have to shape the rest of your mix around that.
Haha yeah that ring annoys me to, it's snare 11's fault. I do agree with the drums being dark, I want the snare really dark so I can put it high in the mix, like chango's newer productions - Memphis may fire's challenger hence the reason it is so dead. I have added a lot of room for the illusion of size, I'm not a fan of SSD dry - sounds really goofy! Thanks for the tips!

Try make a surgical cut at around 400-500 Hz, thats usually where the SSD snare's ringing. But in a full mix i doubt you will here it :p
^ very true. I put this up after having fun with some new toys Massey tape head and waves nls! Great plugins! Also if anyone had any questions on any of the tones I am happy to share my process
if your drums are programmed with steven slate drumms, could you explain how you did your sound? you work in Kontakt or used a separate track for each channel with plagins? and what plagins dow you put, cause i can't find here how to work with SSD
The kit was constructed from scratch in SSD. I then assigned all drums an individual output and set up corresponding aux inputs in pro tools. I send a lot of bleed to the overheads, especially the snare and toms, not so much kick. I then treat each drum individually with plugins, including Waves NLS, waves CLA, standard pro tools eq for corrective eq only, Massey tape head, Kramer tape, standard pro tools d verb. I also use a Massey limiter on the drum aux. other than the AUX limiter I don't use any compression (accept for ducking the kick), I do use a lot of tape and console emulation to slow the transiens. I have a much better version of this track that I will post soon, with many huge improvements.