Drunk thread #390471304: drunk at work


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Just got back from a 4 hour "business" lunch at the local brewery, and I'm fucking hosed. This is awesome. I'm loaded and it's only 45 minutes until I can go home and get even more so.

ADSkrk j8389iek
Most triumphant. When I leave school in the next few months I must do the old trick of bringing in a flask of cider and getting wrecked in lessons...
Fcu yo uNEPARE you'll eneve rbe as rnk as mst!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111

Who wansts otm meacth e drin kfo rdink IK 'll go dd dam noutdrunk all of o yGEESHES!!!!111111111111

( I drink lik e a liver sugery patient, I'm bad)
as the moon sets on yet another night full of whisky and dreams, i can't help bu think about so many nights drinking for the wrong reasons. i should have known better than better than to fall in love in the first place, but to fall in love for the right reasons is nothing short of the greatest liquoring a man has ever succeeding in producing. the only problem being that being completely shithoused while away from said person can cause a certain amount of philosophising that can render a man incomplete. this is not meant to be preachy by any means, but more an archival submittance procliaming the beauty of all things alcohic. whatever is the dominant emotion in a person's mind come the glorious time of intoxication is multiplied ten-fold once the deed is done. no matter how severe the inibreation at any given time, it is pale in comparison to the severity of the given emotion that might have existen prior to succombing to the bottle. the drink causes an amplification of emotions like nothing else in this world. the need to kill dipshits is multipied and the desire to masurbate is exponential. maybe it's just the liqour talking, but this thread sucks. you can't, by any means, pigeonhole the effects of liquor into any category. drunk - yes. angry - maybe. emotional - possible. thoroughly clarified - yes. i mean, what do you do when you break up with a significant other, what is the first thing you do? answer: you get drunk with your friends and feel better the next day. en vino veritas and all that shit. sic luceat lux. good night.
NAD said:
Fcu yo uNEPARE you'll eneve rbe as rnk as mst!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111

Who wansts otm meacth e drin kfo rdink IK 'll go dd dam noutdrunk all of o yGEESHES!!!!111111111111

( I drink lik e a liver sugery patient, I'm bad)
:lol: Prat :) ;)

Toad The WEb Sprogget or whatever it was...:lol: I love that!
That particular KINGNAD(THEAHET(#@P#RWA brought to you by my drinking buddy. He wasn't nearly as drunk as I was, but I suppose that's obvious.
Wow, this thread is truly pathetic but highly amusing.

Also, I'm drunk at work again. Whoops.
