

Jun 22, 2003
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Hello people, has any of you ever went to a univ. exam being drunk?
Please, it may help (spiritually, as it's to late to revert my situation) to know how it was and the result of it.

mmmm, ndp (now drunk playing): some Emperor shit... I'm not sure what I'm listening to =/
drink a lot more, you'll be ok!


welcome the Argies anyway :)
Riemann said:
Hello people, has any of you ever went to a univ. exam being drunk?
Please, it may help (spiritually, as it's to late to revert my situation) to know how it was and the result of it.

mmmm, ndp (now drunk playing): some Emperor shit... I'm not sure what I'm listening to =/
I did it. It wasn´t my best performance. One beer is ok I think.