DSP question


Mar 8, 2009

I am sorry if I ask dummy questions or will be not quite accurate in terminology, b/c I am in recording only for half a year or so.
Recently as my knowledge about mixing grew and I apply more and more plug-ins I already hit the point when CPU (Core 2 Duo E8400) is loaded to much that sounds cracks. If I export a mix then it is fine, no sound artifacts. Cracks occur only during mixing and direct monitoring and CPU load is jumping to red. For example if I process drums from S2.0 internally or externaly with EQ, Compressors. I know I can freeze/render drum tracks, but it is a temporal solution.

I use line 6 toneport DI for my guitar and as a sound card.

As I read about UAD or SSL things they have DSP that works only with their plug-ins to unload your computer CPU from processing.

Is any interface/ I/O/ DI box that has also DSP that will process any plug-in for example Waves to reduce CPU load? Something like 828mk3 Firewire or ProFire 2626? Or they also process only their own plug-ins? Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated.