DT tomorrow!

The guys did an amazing job at the gig yesterday!! They kicked some serious ass!! Too bad the metalheads in Umea were at home sleeping or something...
I didn't need to remember any setlist at all, I got one from Nicklasson! So the setlist was:

The Wonders at Your Feet
Lost to Apathy
The Treason Wall
Through Smudged Lenses
Damage Done
The New Build
White Noise/Black Silence
Monochromatic Stains
Zodijackyl Light
The Endless Feed
Punish My Heaven
My Negation
Final Resistance

...and man were they kicking some serious ass. Hats off to the band!

Pics might follow shortly, depending on how they turned out.
That's the exact same setlist they played in SanFransisco. I can't wait to see what they come up with in their upcoming festivals...
Those were cool videos!

1. The Wonders At your Feet
2. Lost to Apathy
3. Damage Done
4. White Noise/Black Silence
5. Haven
6. Crowd Interaction
7. TheRein
UndoControl said:
Thanks, mate! Why only seven videos, though?

I'm glad you liked it!
It would have been more videos if I wouldn't have run out of memory on the camera! :rolleyes:
