DTW thread

Awesome ShOkrOk! I wish you both a great time!

Oh, I believe I will sit around my household and read. heh, I've really nothing else to do. :)

Take my furry friends on a few walks perhaps...
So its obvious now what I'll be doing! :D -Is almost spastically excited-

Celtic_Fox, man...very soon I will be back up there, and we will work on some MORE stuff...I'm also battening down the hatches sepending wise to make sure the studio shit gets purchased soon...what this means is you'll have plenty to do soon enough! Do Bas Gloir!
Well, its not like I do not have plenty on my plate during the week, just nothing on the weekends. hahaha

Ah yes, though not in any hurry we are, this tital wave of crushing metal will soon assault every shore, every continent, and every soul!

Im going to play with dirty needles on a street corner. Well, actually, I'm going to sit around.. drink some brews with my friends and probably go watch Drumline because that movie is almost as cool as Save The Last Dance!
Friday-Probably staying here and drinking
Saturday-POssibly going to the local industrial/goth club to shake my drunken booty to crappy music
Sunday-Recovery from Friday and Saturday night.
-Surveys Thread-

Once AGAIN Thanatos wins!...(I'd be using caps too if I was gonna be seeing DT!)

To shOk and Wand...may the "force" be with you (no pun intended....ok....maybe just a LITTLE bit of pun [no pun intended there either....shit, i never should've replied to this at ALL!])....err, just have a great time, ok? :cool:

Oh, and me? Weekend shmeekend, i'll be working my arse off as usual........................................and drinking ;)