Duality Nombre Duex

Black Core said:
I believe that when you look in a mirror, you see what you want to see. Your eyes can decieve (is that spelled right?) you.

Also I think everyone has always 2 sides: a good and a bad one. Most of the time you see em both togheter cuz balance is everything in this world. but when one of the sides takes over, it could go wrong with that person. I think that's how psychopathes are, most of the time the bad side took over.
That's why I believe that anyone is capable of killing someone else. If placed in the right situation, the bad side will take over resulting in destruction of some sort.
no.... mirrors show you reality. Surrounding lights that deviate back to your eyes. You don't choose what you see in a mirror.

Taking some physic classes could help you if you're interested in that stuff.
assuming that a black hole is NOT a time machine
this is very unlikely. The are 2 main theories about black holes: the first is that all the matter that enter a black hole concentrates itself into a singularity the size of an atom. If you want to picture that... imagine that a battlecruiser would enter a black hole and get compacted the size of an atom. Weird heh?

Second theory is the theory of the worm holes, which would allow you to be transported to the other end of the black hole. But seriously, I doubt it's possible to survive a black hole, since you'll be dislocated in thousands of pieces because of the huge gravity. But, this would be the only way to travel to other galaxies without having to stop time. What I mean by that is that when you travel at the speed of light, time stops for you, but not for the world around you... so basically, someone who can travel at the speed of light becomes immortal, but he would lose everyone he loves or cares. In a second, thousands of years can pass. I'm sure speed or infoterror has better knowledge about this, I kinda stopped looking into that stuff, but it's very interesting.

Btw, it's considered impossible to travel at the speed of light, since the amount of energy needed to keep on accelerating at 98% of speed of light is infinite.
AsModEe said:
this is very unlikely. The are 2 main theories about black holes: the first is that all the matter that enter a black hole concentrates itself into a singularity the size of an atom. If you want to picture that... imagine that a battlecruiser would enter a black hole and get compacted the size of an atom. Weird heh?

Second theory is the theory of the worm holes, which would allow you to be transported to the other end of the black hole. But seriously, I doubt it's possible to survive a black hole, since you'll be dislocated in thousands of pieces because of the huge gravity. But, this would be the only way to travel to other galaxies without having to stop time. What I mean by that is that when you travel at the speed of light, time stops for you, but not for the world around you... so basically, someone who can travel at the speed of light becomes immortal, but he would lose everyone he loves or cares. In a second, thousands of years can pass. I'm sure speed or infoterror has better knowledge about this, I kinda stopped looking into that stuff, but it's very interesting.

Btw, it's considered impossible to travel at the speed of light, since the amount of energy needed to keep on accelerating at 98% of speed of light is infinite.
i thought a black hole and a worm hole were 2 seperate things
a "balck hole" being a like giant trash compactor
a "worm hole" bieng a "folded space"
well, it is because we don't know what happens once inside a black hole. You either get compacted, or transported somewhere else. Still, the hole by which you enter is a black hole.

edit: to be honest, I can be completely wrong and you completely right. I haven't been in touch with these kind of stuff for one year.

second edit: to think of it, I think the black hole can fold space, which would explain why it would be a worm hole.
most people who post on Vintersorg's board are very interested in science and mainly physics, because of Vintersorg's lyrics, or vice versa.
has anybody seen the scene in the movie "event horizon" where the guy from "jurassic park" is pushing a pencil through a folded pin-up poster to illustrate how faster than light travel is possible by folding space???
I got that movie on DVD, but I don't think you can travel to another dimention and get back in the right one cuz there are probably a lot of different dimentions
I'm not a scientist...infact I'm a whore for the creative arts, but the topic is very interesting.


My (limited!) knowledge reminds me that faster than light travel is as near to as impossible as it gets, so folding space/time becomes the next option. I could be totally deluded by sci-fi movies here, so perhaps I'm completely wrong.

Point is: Will we ever escape our own solar system?
Final_Product said:
I'm not a scientist...infact I'm a whore for the creative arts, but the topic is very interesting.


My (limited!) knowledge reminds me that faster than light travel is as near to as impossible as it gets, so folding space/time becomes the next option. I could be totally deluded by sci-fi movies here, so perhaps I'm completely wrong.

Point is: Will we ever escape our own solar system?
actually, reaching speed of light is impossible, so going faster than speed of light is even more impossible.

If I remember correctly, the closest solar system is 7 light-years from ours. So it would take 7 years at the speed of light to reach. But I don't even know if this solar system has a lot of planets... probably not. 5% of the stars in our galaxy contain planets, and most are the size of Jupiter or even bigger. Big gaz planet, no good to us...... folding space is truly the only way possible. Unfortunately, we'll all be dead before such a thing is possible. Sucks.... cause I always wanted to travel in space.
AsModEe said:
actually, reaching speed of light is impossible, so going faster than speed of light is even more impossible.

exactly. As your velocity aproaches the speed of light, weird shit happens. Your "length" becomes infinitely small, your mass becomes infinitely large, and time becomes infinitely slow.

This is based on Einsteins theories. More theories have arisen since then.

edit - It seems I'm not really contributing here. *scampers back to Vintersorg forum.
wait wait! :lol:

LRD and I were wondering if black holes and worm holes were the same thing. Basically, I was saying that a black hole was either a great compactor, or an entrance to a worm hole. Whadda ya think?

edit: for the speed of light of stuff, do you agree that once you reach speed of light, time completely stops? (my own deduction, not sure if I'm right)
Your asking someone with one year of highschool physics. Hense, "not really contributing." At the dead center of a black hole, matter is theoretically moving at the speed of light and yes, as Einstein believed, time would stop. This would mean that black holes are compactors and not portals. But don't ask me, seriously. We have no way of knowing yet.