Dude. Fuck Sonar.

I tracked vocals for two songs with Reaper today and I'm fucking loving it. The more I find out about it the more I like. It just seems to make more sense than Sonar. I think Sonar tries to keep one foot in the world of analog style routing and while I'm sure it helps people who grew up with big consoles and stuff it doesn't make a whole lot of sense in a DAW IMO. It seems like Reaper just started from the ground up as a DAW, without worrying about keeping familiar routing structures and stuff. I love the track folders and child tracks and all of that. I don't think I'll even open Sonar again unless I need to open some old project for some reason. I've had good times with it, and I learned most of what I know about recording with it, but It's time to move on to something that makes tons more sense and just works better for me.
I had the same story with cubarse... crashing and corrupting my work... discouraging me from even firing it up... :(

I am a very happy Reaper user now :)
If I was on Pc and not using Pro tools,(yeah right) I'd use Reaper. Probably because I used to use Vegas eons ago and Reaper is a Souped up (ripped off) version of Vegas (even the shortcuts are the same!)
Pretty cool program, certaintly can't be beaten for the price.
Yea I saw that earlier today. It's funny how they're adding some features that I'd always wished they had, but I'm already discovering in Reaper.

Recorded vocals for two more songs today and I'm liking Reaper even more.

It might sound petty, but being able to arm and disarm tracks while the project is playing is so fucking cool! Such a minor little issue, but Sonar's lack of this ability was still an annoyance. And I haven't had to re-track any parts because of a weird random pop or click on the take! Awesome!