Dude, my thread got closed?!

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Apocalypsis Cycle

Guide to the Afterlife
Mar 11, 2005
WTF?! Since when, and on whose authority? Holy fuck, dude, I needed some songs from those bands and I tried to make up a halfway original way of getting a good list. If people thought about it in the way that I suggested, I figured I might actually get a pretty good list. But now I never will, because some dumb fuck decided to close my goddamn thread. Thats fuckin bullshit, dude.

BTW: Gallantry over Docility, fuck you in the ass with a hacksaw, you cheap motherfucker.
And I noticed two other threads that got closed. That one dude asking for opinions on the new Mudvayne CD got closed, and so did the dude who asked about the search function. What the fuck is this shit, dude? This forum is bull shit, dude. Maybe 'cause Gallantry over Docility is one cheap ass moderator. Betcha this one'll get closed too.

The Internet is for expressing opinions, dumb fuck! Even if you happen not to like those opinions! You're interfering with my freedom of speech, you cheap piece of shit!
Apocalypsis Cycle said:
And I noticed two other threads that got closed. That one dude asking for opinions on the new Mudvayne CD got closed, and so did the dude who asked about the search function. What the fuck is this shit, dude? This forum is bull shit, dude. Maybe 'cause Gallantry over Docility is one cheap ass moderator. Betcha this one'll get closed too.

The Internet is for expressing opinions, dumb fuck! Even if you happen not to like those opinions! You're interfering with my freedom of speech, you cheap piece of shit!

Uh, yeah, DUDE. Shut up and get out. No need to explain why shitty threads get closed.
I closed it because everybody was taking the piss out of you for making a shit thread. I was expecting a thankyou for preventing you from looking as stupid as you may well have done, but this... this is an outrage! You are what's commonly referred to as a tedious halfwit! I hope you get cancer in the ass!

Also, just to pwn you with irony, thread closed.
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