Dumbest excuse/reason to buy an album.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Ever bought something that Dan Seagrave did the artwork for, just because Dan Seagrave did the artwork for it? Can't decipher the logo even though you are a gore metal purist and you really, really tried, so you had to take the challenge home with you? Thought some chick would blow you if she "accidentally" stumbled across your Celine Dion boxset?

Mine peak was just last night. I was cataloguing the bands in my collection in alphabetical order, and I realized that the only letter missing was X. I have a Xenogears soundtrack, and that old Songs in the Key of X thing, but neither really counts as an X Band. So I bought a Xasthur album, and I don't even remember which one. Whichever had the highest rating on Metal Archives Owns You. I hope I like it.

Okay go!
I bought a couple of CDs because of the label that released it even though I thought it was crap/not very good beforehand.
By "if" I mean "when" of course.

:tickled: I know, right.

I just ran across a few reviews of praise. Checking out their myspace now, and....I may be teh sold!1 We'll see once the other tracks play.

"Metalheads who think Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Homme was much better back when he was still in Kyuss will probably dig Sirens of Titan."

-Ross Raihala,
The Pioneer Press

Probably being sold on artwork for me. Done it with a lot of albums over the years, with mostly decent results.

I'll say one thing about it: buying blind (deaf?) based on artwork works a lot better in cases where the band takes the relationship between cover art & music as seriously as I do.
CSORE, you're right! Although I haven't read that Vonnegut yet, it is on me shelves. :tickled:
"Metalheads who think Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Homme was much better back when he was still in Kyuss will probably dig Sirens of Titan."

-Ross Raihala,
The Pioneer Press

EDIT: Wow, did I fuck that one up. the rest of my pre-edit'd post got ated. I'll try again:

hahaha awesome.

(seriously though, Songs for the Deaf is as good as Sky Valley) [/cara]
Its good to have you back NAD.

Dumbest reason I bought a CD was ages ago because I heard it when I was stoned at a friends place and thought it was great. Then I bought it and it sucked.