duncan full shred


Jul 6, 2003
Murdock, NE
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i'm suprised i haven't seen this thread here yet ever since the update about the endorsement deal inked with seymour duncan. It said that mikael has full shreds (SH-10) in his guitars, but it didn't mention the jb...which is what we have all thought (at least me) for quite a while now. thoughts?
i'm kinda surprised seymour duncan would offer an endorsement deal to an artist so far from the mainstream, but...good for them. mike signature pickup in the future?
who knows.. but since i saw it i grabbed a full shred off ebay for 45 so i could see what it sounded like in the neck. I like my JB too much.. so im going to switch the jazz out for the shred. If i like it ill sell my jazz, or sell the sh10 right back.
I was always under the impression that he used the JB and Jazz. I've been meaning to get a JB in my bridge - how does it stack up in comparison to the SH10, or other passive pickups around?
Well, you can listen to sound clips and specs for them at their website.. the sh10 has more top end than the jb or jazz. people say they like alot of warmth for the neck pu, but to me its more like just bass and mids and it doesnt give alot of articulation. since the sh10 has more top end it has more of a trebly attack. Thats what i hope it will sound like when i get it hehe. you can kind of tell by the clips that there is a noticable change in tone from the jazz to sh10.
The JB maintains alot of clarity, both clean and under distortion. I really like the clean sound it puts out. The Full Shred seems more about warmth. Ironically enough, even though the JB is a high-output PU and the FS is a mid-output, the former seems to give the weaker output of the sound (to my ear anyway).

I could see someone using the Full Shred in the bridge position, but it just doesn't strike me as a good neck position PU. The Jazz sounds really good for that... it has the sort of dull, bassy sound that can make a guitar sound like an 8-bit MIDI instrument if shredded really fast :).

I'd definately put my money on the JB and Jazz combo.
The specs show that the full shred is like a fucking buzz saw, with no bass or mids....but when you listen to the sound clips, and mikael's tone, you hear full rounded warmth (which i love)...the reviews on harmony central are like night and day. of course, it has a lot to do with the woods of one's guitar and the amp they are playing through. one person described a slight low mid bump, which gave the pickup a nice singing "O" sound...which is one of the qualities that a really notice in the lead tone on deliverance. hmmm...i just don't know...
I seriously appreciate the JB as bridge pickup (never tried it in neck position tho). it has a great sound both clean (as moonlapse pointed out) and with lots of gain. the sound keeps lots of differentiation.

I dunno about the FS but i also can recommend the SD 59 for the neck position....it has a wonderful warm and well-balanced output. very good for warm clear sounds and 'singing' leads...
suislidE said:
i just want that damnation sound hehe

isn't it pretty....its the best clean tone i have ever heard on any record...ever...especially the intro to "in my time of need"...it just sings. according to the website, that tone came from the vh100R....if that is true, then that has to be one of the most versatile amps out there.
A pickup sounding good is an opinion though. Every person on this board could actually disagree with you.

edit: im not trying to start an arguement or anything, its just that we dont exactly have a sound clip directly comparing active vs passive pickups.
Yep...I've got a 59 in my neck, which is the smoothest and warmest pickup I have ever played on, and Ive got a Custom in the bridge which is just meh to me. In my Ibanez RG421 I've got the stock pickups which I think are the cheap vintage pickups by DiMarzio, but I absolutely love the tone of the bridge pickup. It's actually what I mainly use on my recordings.
Sorry to post again, but it's kind of silly to get a pickup because your guitar hero has it...I know that's not what this thread's about, but even if you do get Mike's pickups (full shreds) you're still probably going to be missing his expensive ass guitar, his amp, pedal with specific tones dialed in, and most importantly his talent and playing style. He could pick up a Squier and play some tunes on it and you would think those shitty pickups sound good because of how great the music sounds.