duncan full shred

Ha, NO about the squier thing.

I want the full shred because i know what kind of sound can come from it. I dont get the time to go to guitar stores and jam with 10 dif guitars with emg SD and dimarzios an gibsons, so i dont know what to spend money on and what not to. Since i got the FS for 47 off ebay, i can sell my jazz for at least that much if i decide to keep it; OR i could sell it right back and probably get the same amount back. Its a win/win situation.. so why not?
Moonlapse said:
I was under the impression that the clean tones on Damnation came from the VC30. However, I've played a VH100R and the clean tones that can get are wonderful too.

yes, i have heard that the clean tones that come from the vh100R are THE BEST as far as a high gain head. and, it does not have the vc30 listed in the equipment section on the website for the recording of d&d. (bragging time) i do have the vc30 though, and i can come pretty damn close to those clean tones. it has that swelling, singing, well-rounded, bell-like tones that we hear on damnation. but once again, if that can come out of a vh100R, then damn!!! what a fucking amp.
Nah, its possible they use it for the CLEAN tones with no distortion whatsoever, but the leads like on windowpane, ending credits, and that first solo on a fair judg. comes from that vc30. A vh100 cannot replicate that smooth distortion that a class A amp can create.
i'd have to say that it sounds like the vc30 was used to record everything on damnation...the distortion on closure sounds IDENTICAL to that on mine...i just don't understand why its not listed on the website.
Alright well, i already have the FS in my posession, now im just waiting on some stuff to get here that i forgot to take with me. (soldering iron..) I should get it today or tomorrow, and when i do ill record a couple short clips with my jazz and the others with the FS, all with the same settings.
Ok. Full shred installed, noticeable tone change.

First off, I thought that by judging the sound change by the tone charts of the SD website that the tone would be alot more sharper and defined than the jazz. I was pretty close. The most audible change is that there is alot less bass in the sound that basically takes away alot of the so called "warmth." Doesnt bother me a whole lot, because its easier to add more bass through the amp than to do the reverse without changing the overall tone. It sounds alot less muddy to me, because the warmth of the jazz comes off more like mud in my opinion. So, here are the sound clips i recorded. The first two are the jazz with two dif settings, and the other two are with the full shred with the same settings as used with the jazz.



So.. any opinions?
Moonlapse here: Are those recordings all in the neck position? I've never thought of using the Full Shred in the neck position. Definately seems to have its own charm though. I think overall I'd preffer the Jazz, but the FS definately has alot more of that high end and clarity thing happening.

Btw: Joe, we've been waiting forever for you to post up some clips of the VC30 :p. Really wanting to hear how it sounds.
Yea, all four are in the neck position. I just switched out the jazz with the full shred.. i like the jb too much to change it. The only thing i liked about the jazz is it sounded good with chords and when you use a pick.. so far the full shred just sounds more defined. It also sounds alot more like a bridge pickup because of it.
Could you possibly record some distorted Opeth pieces with unmuted chords? Like the Godhead's Lament/April Ethereal intro, or the "I will endure" part of April Ethereal, for example. My cheap-o pickups can't really handle those open distorted chords well. Or has it more to do with the distortion itself?
Or has it more to do with the distortion itself?

>> i am not an expert, but when i plug my guitar into my cheap-ass crate amp the chords dont sound well. it kinda 'swallows' some parts. is that what you've experienced? if yes i think it'S rather the amp (if you dont have some good amp of course..)


>> i like the jazz sound way better. the FS-sound is has too much mids imo.
moonstruck.. im not following you. the full shred is in the neck.. it wont make much sense to record a part like that with the neck pickup.

nar, i know you are replying to moonstrucks post, but since im not understanding him im not understanding you either rofl. sorry
Well, let me say it differently. Opeth uses alot of distorted open chords as you probably know, for example the pieces I stated in my previous post. April Ethereal around 3:41 is a good example. When I play chords like that with distortion, I just get a heap of noise rather than a chord out of my amp. My question is how much new pickups (so a bridge FS for example) would help to get this sound, or if I should rather focus a new amp, or other distotion settings.
Its probably either your eq settings or your amp.. pickups wont make that huge of a difference, but it will be audible. What kind of amp do you have?
Moonlapse: They layer their guitar tracks numerous times. So what you're actually hearing is the riff played with moderate distortion, dubbed over 2 or 3 times, hence giving that clear sound, yet still heavy.