Duncan Goes Solderless


Captain Insano
Feb 16, 2009
US of A
Details Here

Just in time for me swapping the pickups out of 4 of my guitars, Duncan announces their own take on solderless pickup wiring. I wouldn't be surprised if someone else is already making a system like this (obviously EMG has their Quik Connect system), maybe Dimarzio will release a wireless pickup system next??!

I'm looking forward to not needing a work bench to try out different pickups.
Kindof, not really 'solderless' in that you still have to solder to get the Liberator in the guitar.

I recently did a pickup change with EMG's new completely solderless system... installing a Tele set took 10 minutes from scratch. The 2 minutes figure is impressive, here, bit let's see it with the time it takes to get the Liberator in place, too.
Regular soldering gives you a more defined and controlled low end, with those solderless pickups it sounds like you have a carpet on your high freq's. I found it much easier to have a good guitar tone with soldering, solderless pickups hav those nasty frequency buildup issues on 200hz and 2000hz.

Nah, just kidding. I just love the smell of it.
Tweezers... yeah.... maybe they could have gone back to the drawing board with this system. Or perhaps EMG has patents that get in the way? (although upon a quick search I didn't find any)

This video is awesome for its humor value. Epic, in fact.
If it's gonna be as well made as the triple shits, do not want. That was a pretty cool idea ruined by some of the cheapest manufacturing seen outside of a dollar store.