

I bleed sir, but not killed
Jul 6, 2001
I'm pretty sure there's a guy in Dungeon that posts on this forum... Tim or something?

Anyway, goddamn.. the singer sounds so much like a young Bruce Dickinson it's as if you cloned him from Bruce's dna!!

I'm not a power metal fan really, but that's one hell of a voice! (Music isn't bad either ;) )
Yeah, that's me - guilty! HAHA!

Thanx, dude! Really appreciate it! :)

We're more of a power metal / thrash metal crossover band, so even if you're not much into PM (which is fair enough - most of it *is* total shit), you should get into parts of the album at least! :)

We'll be at EV's on Friday and The Espy on Saturday if you wanna come for a wander down and throw bottles at us and stuff! HAHA!
Originally posted by Lord Tim
We'll be at EV's on Friday and The Espy on Saturday if you wanna come for a wander down and throw bottles at us and stuff! HAHA!

I'd truly love to, but I'm out of the city with my gilrfriend this weekend... can you believe that.... My housemates and I are always on the look out for gigs though, so it's a pity.

Any other Melbourne shows in the near future?
[color=#AOEOOA]I was gonna go on Saturday cept I can't get upto the city, damn stupid me for living too far away.

So I'll go to the pub with some mates, sounds like a plan.[/color]
im annoyed i cant go to tomorrow's show :mad:
so i have to make do with tonite
but tonite will be killer