Dustin, Bizzaro and Al are kicking some song writing ass!

Mar 2, 2009
So far in the last few months Dustin and I have been working our guts out getting the songs written and scratched for the new album.
So far we've got 9 tunes pretty much laid out and ready to start demo tracks. What I'm seeing coming out right now is a really good mix of Heavy, dark, syncipated metal similar to "Forlorn Child" - "Listen to you, Listen to me"-"Evil Princess". Intense progressive moments similar to "The Elitist"-The Rising Anger"-"Live on". There is also still an element of good melodic easy to digest tunes like "Kings Of The Valley" or "Will You Remember".. As a new member of the band It is important to me to balance my ideas, with the style and sound that Katagory V has become Known for.
So far the tunes that we have in the works are as currently titled- (for now)

"My Insurrection"
"Crash Down"
"Get Awesome" (instrumental)
"Far Too Long"
"Dark Side Of My Soul"
"Sinister Seduction"
Untilted tune refered to as ("Queensrhyche Plagiarism Song")
"Sins Of The Father" (lyrics by Al)
"Search For Control" (lyrics by Bizzaro)

:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock: Rest assured Kat V tunes will be coming sooner that we all expect!
Matt "Bizzaro" LeFevre

I know Al's been working his butt off. It seems like he's working on lyrics or recording every night.

I forsee this album doing awesome things for you guys. Keep up the good work! :)

And: :lol: at "Get Awesome" Those who are more closely involved with the story behind that phrase are VERY amused.
I'm glad you're amused! We just thought that the circumstances were funny enough that we had to pay tribute! Now remember the song is an instrumental, so there will be no lyrical story being told. Dustin has an idea of how we are going to tell the story somewhere with in the song. I think that those who are clever will get in on the inside joke. Those who aren't are going to be like -what happend to these guys, they used to be cool-. Those that are already inside will have a laugh out loud, gut bustin moment with Kat V. It will Somthing to tell their friends about when they say whats up with that song......


Don't forget that I contributed lyrics to two other songs as well. I don't know if the music is going to be reworked on both of those songs or if they are going to remain the same, but the working titles were "Writings On The Wall" and "I've Moved On." Also, the "Queensryche Plagiarism Song" has the working title of "I Am Change." If we add the two lyrical contributions, that makes eleven songs that may or may not make the album.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Sorry Al, you know I'm all about giving credit where credit is due. I just wasn't sure which ones you had worked on so I only marked those I was sure of. Might I add, Im a huge fan of the lyrics on those tunes!
I think that once those three you mentioned are in the can we'll should have all of the material we need for the album. With that being said, last night at rehearsals Dusting said he hung out with Matt Suiter last weekend. Matt couldn't believe that we had so much material ready to start tracking demo's. He also couldn't believe that Dustin had been the major writing force.
On a different note I heard dustin's mix of "GET AWESOME" For the first time last night. Complete with theatrics! The song is rough as hell, I'm all over the place, and can't decide what the crap I'm doing, but in the middle of the song when Dustin does his thing, I forgot about all of the mental notes I was taking and laughed my ass off. I had to listen to it 5 or 6 times last night and this morning before I could get a grip and really listen to what I was doing.
It's more like:
uumm...ugh.....mmrrr.................uuuuuuuuuuuummmm.......ahhh......hhhmmm........UUGGGHHHHHHHH ................hhhuuuhhh?????