Dusting off the Metal Hall

Btw, reading Chickinson's interview made me wonder if there exist any Maidens' recording (apart from those on their website)?

Though I still hope (crave, actually) to see you Maidens in France one day :) in the meantime some more songs would be nice!

If any of you has some audio or video recordings (correct to good quality, like the ones on the website), I would be very happy! The only problem would be to send that to me in France... Any volunteer?
Yeah we have countless hours of video and audio clips that did not make the cut to get on the website and we still aren't happy with the quality of those live tracks...so much is lost in those...I'm tempted to take them down...we want to show peeps that we can play the material but we want to try to sound the same as we do live while doing so.....anyway....we'll make vids and audio available for purchase only after our management has secured the rights to do so legally so the rightful songwriter gets the credits and royalties....bad karma otherwise...

Ah, it seems I'll have to wait, then :cry: I'll keep repeating myself that the quality will be better this way, then! Bouh...

You really intend to make some official recordings? That would be great! I'll try to be the first european fan to get hold of them all!!!

While I'm at it: being completely ignorant of the music-business, I wonder if it is thinkable for the Maidens to make a little tour in Europe in the future? Cover-bands isn't something common around here (although there would be a public) so I have nothing to compare to!
Originally posted by Keyser Soze
sucks to be you then.... ;)

No, it sucks to be my computer. The flash is so bad, I even started yelling at one of the owners of KNAC.com because their ads were fucking with my computer so bad.
Yeah, flash is cool and all, but it can cause problems with some systems.

On the tech site I help with, we have a rather simple flash menu at the top, along with a separate (non-flash) navbar at the side so that users who have issues with one can use the other. Everything else is simple (and very streamlined) HTML. The ads we run are another story, but again, they are fairly simple and don't seem to cause many problems.

We have had numerous positive comments regarding these decisions. Simple clean HTML = fast load times and few problems. And these days, many people will usually wait only 10-15 seconds for a page to load at least to the point they can start reading it... or else they move on.

But I digress. The interview page looks nice, Keyser! And the rest of the site continues to look better and better. Now if only we could get more forum peeps to speak their mind at the Metal Hall...
