
Remember everyone!!!!!!!

Today in 1776, the British forces evacuated Boston in the Revolutionary War. And I bet none of them wore green either!
you can get your little baby son(or was it daughter?) to druel or spittle(or what ever it is baby do! :lol: crap themselves?) on him. he wouldn't like that.

wait, it is YOU on this board that has the kid right? maybe i'm confusing you with someone else. in which case i look like a jackass! oh well, nothing new for me. :lol:
I have a son yes, Im not the only one who has a kid in this forum, I'm just the only one who actually talks about my kid. Well, the only one who talks ALOT about my kid I should say.

neal said:
umm boxing day?

Didn't think so.
Its this phony holiday of sorts that Candian beer companies(Molson mainly i think) are trying to create. the whole 24 case of beer thing work well as a date(the number 24) and theres some other canadan holiday around may 24th(that currently escpaes my mind), so one of the big get drunk days in canada is "May 24(pronouced two-four) weekened".
So, i'm gonna get really plastered on May "two-four" weekend.
Sorry About The Walking Out Thing I Keep Forgetting To Say Bye When I Leave
I Am Still Not Wearing Any Underwear
And I Still Can't Reach Orgasm When I Am Awake But Its Ok Cuz I Am Still Having Wet Dreams About Ct
Watch the FA talk buddy :devil:!! She is spoken for.