DVD of the shows?


New Metal Member
Sep 15, 2004
Are they planning on releasing a DVD of the fest? I would think so w/ all the filming going on. Thanks for any info.
I talked to Matt Johnsen and he said that this year Glenn was doing a full documentary on the show. I dont know if this will be on a DVD or maybe as an example to other management companies or labels as to how this is run. Which is great by the way.


Kip here from TapoutTV & Film and we were the guys filming the bands over the weekend. I was asked by many of you if there are plans for a ProgPower DVD. But, as stated above, because of all the legal stuff, there will not be an official release. We were hired by several of the bands to film their sets so hopefully they will be releasing the material through their labels at some point down the road.

This was our first time filming at ProgPower and damn what a killer time! We shot some amazing footage that makes Earthlink look like it was packed with 10,000 screaming fans. I have to say that this was the most professional show we've ever filmed and you fans are some of the most enthusiastic, dedicated, and well behaved fans I've ever seen at a Metal show...and we've shot everything from Death to Grind to Hardcore. The cheers and crowd responses sound absolutely amazing! Thank you Glenn for the hospitality and the opportunity to work with so many great bands! Sorry I got off topic but keep an eye out to see when some of what we shot will be released!

Hey Deron,

Cool to finally meet you as well. Sorry we weren't able to sit down and talk....both very busy. Keep in touch and let me know what all you're up to!