What the fuck? Ease up on the flames bro. How am I ignorant to suggest the actual compression of a file, hardly feasible for the majority of internet users to get? The bandwidth on the Hub ain't that great bro, and to spread a 4 gb file, while being insane, also takes up around 10% of my entire HD space.markgugs said:Sorry, that's a completely ignorant statement.
There are no "major parts of quality." There are also no such things as "high quality DivX files." You're getting a fucking store-bought quality (i.e. exact duplicate of the original) for free, so show some fucking patience. Jesus fucking christ.
MikaelÅkerfeldtFan#1 said:Only Mordet I Grottan is available to us, the low lifes.
I know this because I'm MikaelÅkerfeldtFan#1!