Might i suggest converting it to a .ogm file, with xvid for video and ogg/vorbis for audio. The difference will be minimal.
To all you hardk0re tr00 folks convincing us that we are fucking heathens for wanting compression, sorry, but some of us are on broadband WITH limitations - 4 gig is a significant chunk out of my 15 gig limit you fucks.
Plus this should be distributed using bit-torrent. The dissemination would be much faster.
And yeah, the difference would be minimal when compared with an ogm. Anyone complaining 'OMG TERRIBLE LOSSY BLAH' is a moron. You're one of those audiophiles who listens to the equipment instead of the music, only now it's a case of 'the codec instead of the performance'. You wankers.
Most enjoyable bootleg that I semi-regularly watch is a .mpeg of a Tool gig - can't remember the date off hand. It spreads over two vcds, and there is some artifacting and a bit of distortion in the sound, but it's worth much more to me than the 2gig mp2 rip I have of another tool concert.
Why? Cuz there's more to this shit than how 'OMG LOSSLESS' it is you fucking morons.
Distributing a 4gig bootleg is something you are more than welcome to do, but how about a compressed version for those of us who'd rather listen to it than masturbate over the lack of video artifacts?