DVD please

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You barely deserve a response to this tripe, but here it is:

It may not be a big deal to you, but if you can't see why it is a big deal to many others, you're an idiot. Oh, and comparing your post to the others in this thread, yours is the one that bitches like a 12-year-old girl the most.

I don't see why a band not having a dvd is a huge fucking deal. And since you seem to know, please enlighten me, or you can stfu as well.

Montu, this is possibly the coolest thing you've ever said. Rock the fuck on.

I mean, you were always cool because you get the Led out like few others on this forum, but sometimes I was like, "Man, this dude might touch a few dicks." But now, you're sweet forever. Ayreon Guardian X really needs to chill the fuck out on talking about what SX should and shouldn't do. I'm pretty sure Romeo's the one who wrote all the great albums, he can do whatever he wants.

Haha thanks :kickass:
I don't see why a band not having a dvd is a huge fucking deal. And since you seem to know, please enlighten me, or you can stfu as well.
Why is everyone here such a Jax/SymX sheep?? I can understand liking the band, but standing up for them like they are your lover getting berated is going a bit far...

come on, you don't see any reason why it would rule for Sym X to have a DVD out? and you don't see how it is pretty much expected of bands to release DVDs now? You don't see how Symphony X should be expected (based off of what most all other metal bands - their competition for the fan's dollar - are doing) to release a live concert DVD? Needing a DVD is pretty important, especially when their biggest competition all have DVDs out or coming out (Rhapsody, Andromeda, Sonata Arctica, Kamelot, Iced Earth, Dream Theater, hell, even fucking Star One)...
Why is everyone here such a Jax/SymX sheep?? I can understand liking the band, but standing up for them like they are your lover getting berated is going a bit far...

I'm not standing up for anybody, I'm just sick of your (and some of the other board members in fact) constant bitching and whining about not having a dvd out. I also have little tolerance for you in general since you rarely contribute anything remotely interesting or worth reading to the forum. Finally, your cries about a dvd are going to go largely unnoticed by the band.

come on, you don't see any reason why it would rule for Sym X to have a DVD out? and you don't see how it is pretty much expected of bands to release DVDs now? You don't see how Symphony X should be expected (based off of what most all other metal bands - their competition for the fan's dollar - are doing) to release a live concert DVD? Needing a DVD is pretty important, especially when their biggest competition all have DVDs out or coming out (Rhapsody, Andromeda, Sonata Arctica, Kamelot, Iced Earth, Dream Theater, hell, even fucking Star One)...

Yes, obviously it would be nice for them to have a dvd. I don't care if it is expected to have a dvd out. The most important thing they need to concentrate on right now is have a great tour. Also, they haven't really played any fucking concerts yet so how can you expect them to have a live concert dvd out?
I can't see what AGX writes but I saw Montu's quote.. and
Why is everyone here such a Jax/SymX sheep?? I can understand liking the band, but standing up for them like they are your lover getting berated is going a bit far...
Like Montu, I'm not defending the band, I just hate you. You haven't contributed to the symphony x community in any other way than moaning and bitching about stuff symphony x should do.
Knock it the hell off, all of you.

The dvd question was addressed long ago, ad nauseum; please check the forum search option AND the band's FAQ (as explained in the forum rules thread) before posting so-old-they're-moldy topics all over again. The band's been working on the cd for the past few years & haven't done any extensive tours that they could film to put on a freaking dvd, which is why they don't have one yet. Not sure how you all think they'd have pulled concert footage out of their ass recently when the only show's they've done in years were on Gigantour (which got its own dvd). The plan is to film the upcoming tour; we'll see how things progress from there, but the band, label and management are all well aware of the demand for a dvd.

That said, quit being jerkoffs or you'll have to find a new place to do it; this BS is beyond old. From now on, people posting crap just to get a rise out of the others here and those insulting others will be banned for a time period to be determined dependent on the content of the post; consider THIS your warning, because you won't get another one. A lot of you may be kids, but even kids know how to behave when they need to..consider this a time when you need to.
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