Some help from Canadian SX fans?


Feb 21, 2002
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As you may know by reading the tour dates thread, SX will be playing in Montreal on March 8th. The venue is called Foufounes Electriques. I was wondering if anyone here is from the Montreal area and can tell me a little about this place. From experience with Rush shows, it's been really hard finding this stuff out and I was hoping to avoid some legwork if someone else readily knows. So! How do I buy tickets for this event? How likely would it be to sell out - should I try to buy tickets asap or can I sit on it for a while or could I even buy them at the door? Do they have a website? I think that's it. :)

If anyone knows about the Toronto Opera House that would be nice too...I've found their website and assume tickets will be on TM of canada, but how likely is that to sell out, etc?

Thanks in advance. :)
I'm not from Montreal, but I was at the venue not too long ago to see Opeth. You can order tickets from There is a possibility of it selling out, since Opeth sold out pretty quickly, although I have no idea if Symphony X are as popular as they are in Montreal.

The venue itself isn't all that great... it takes about an hour just to get out of the damn place because they have one tiny exit that winds through the place. If the place catches fire, we're all dead. ;) Their website is

Despite the venue's shortcomings, this is Symphony X we're talking about... it'd be totally worth it. You should probably get tickets as soon as possible.
I saw Opeth at The Opera House, it is a decent venue in my opinion.

Anyways, that is sweet how the tickets are 20$ for the Que show, hope they are the same for the Toronto show. Although, i really really hope that it is not 18+!!! has not been updated yet so who knows.
Thank you very much TrevJ. :) I appreciate it. I agree with you that it would be totally worth it. I'm just hoping to get someone to go with me for this trip, since it's a long way from Detroit. Maybe I should just buy myself a ticket while waiting for them to decide anyway...I might be wacky enough to go myself!
I will be at both shows! :)

One more question - is the Montreal venue in downtown Montreal? I'm looking to book a hotel on hotwire and it wants to know where to look - Brossard, Downtown Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, Montreal - Dorval Airport, or Pointe Claire. Any advice would be appreciated!
Originally posted by Kyra
I will be at both shows! :)

One more question - is the Montreal venue in downtown Montreal? I'm looking to book a hotel on hotwire and it wants to know where to look - Brossard, Downtown Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, Montreal - Dorval Airport, or Pointe Claire. Any advice would be appreciated!

Forget about the southshore of Montreal. The whole traffic is a mess. Longueuil is a ghetto too :p Nothing compared to bronx but still...
I'm going to the SX show at the Opera House as well. I don't think it will sell out to quickly and I think tickets are only going to be like 16 dollars or so. It will come to about 25 with tax. So that's a plus. About it being 18+, I doubt it because at the last Opera House venue I went to, only the upstairs section was 18+ because there was alcohol. I got jipped out of the Planet X concert at the Big Bop because they're a bunch of losers and made it 18+. That is bullshit. First of all, the friggin band isn't going to have many viewers anyways, and by making it over 18 you're limiting it further just so you can make some money on alcohol. Damn bastards!:mad:

Anyways, the show will ROCK and I can't wait! Hope to see you there!:grin:
Yeah thats true, that Planet X gig was 18+!! wtf eh?... I really wanted to see them badly :(

But! fortuanetly this Symph X show is not 18+ \m/ and tickets are like 16.50 or something! hell yeah!