Dying Young


my tummy hurts
Oct 20, 2001
Amidst enlightenment and gloominess
Let me tell you a story about a Portuguese kid named Zé born in France, a boy that after passing through rows of cars in fire and bullets that didn’t discriminate neutral or foe at the lower places of France came to Portugal in search of studies, with few besides his will to make something out of nothing.
He started working where I worked for a short amount of time and rapidly became a bud. (it was funny to make fun of his French accent). He told me he had family in a town 20 Km north from here called Viana. He was finishing his university studies, he had to give up from where I worked because he hadn’t time to study and his notes where quickly descending. He got another work doing part-time and studying in Burger King. By the way he had a motorcycle and he used it when he had to travel to Viana, he once told to a friend of mine that he would never separate from it. He was finally getting his break to go to a place where he could help junkies, poor people and others in need, what he already did in France. Later he said he would sell his motorcycle for a good price. Everything was going for the best.

Today a friend gave me a new that struck me He died, doing his normal path to encounter his family in Viana, in a car accident…he was about 23, last time I was with him he was smiling, today he’s dead… relatively he didn’t matter to no one apart his group of acquaintances. He was accomplishing his goals until he was harvested by Death, from 5 years from now most likely only his parents will really feel his loss, but now he’s just a memory, it’s strange to realize that a person may be so important to some people yet to others just another human… don’t know, weird to put this in words… I would apreciate if you could spare some words about the individuals temporary passage, living so that one day you may die. Remember that your life may end today, goodnight.
We are sometimes similar to butterflies in that we kind of flutter through life trying to make a way for ourselves while at the same time some of us try to make our passage known by helping those out around us and then carry on with out path. Being as the butterfly most people these days don't take notice of such things while there are a few who actually do stop and admire the beauty of those that pass through their lives in such cases as the butterfly, some just see it as another insect if they even bother to see it at all. To many you and i are figuratively just another insect. That's how it occurs to me anyway, flit about touching some peoples lives and sometimes changing them or just passing by like a fly on the wall without an impression and unknown. Maybe i am not the only one who feels/sees it this way *shrug*

*fluttering through your lives....*
Indeed i could have, but then that wouldn't have been very compassionate now would it =)
Sorry to hear that man :cry:

What gets me is one day you can just see some-one, say hi, be friends, have fun, and then the next day you will never see them again.

Its almost incomprehensible, you expect them to be around and when they're not you're reminded of what happened and get that sinking feeling again. It sucks...