Ear plugs


Jun 4, 2009
New Braunfels, Texas
So I just got back from a show at the White Rabbit tonight, probably the loudest local show I've ever been to (Not to mention the guitar amps were up wayyyyyy louder than they needed to be and I was up front directly in the path of the cab.)

And needless to say, my ears/head are REALLY feeling the consequences. And to make it worse, I have a band coming in tomorrow morning (Monday.)

I know someone posted a certain brand of ear plugs here before, but I can't find it at all. I do remember the link they posted was an Amazon product. They were the plugs that apparently reduce the noise you are hearing (obviously) but they don't affect the tone (well, atleast not too terribly much.)

Anyone know what they are?
Ok sorry, I should make it more clear.
I cant find the individual ones they were talking about.
Because there are SOOOO freaking many of them, and I don't know which of them is the best.

I like em. you lose that harsh top end, and the nasty midrange. When you put them in, its a bit odd, but 10 minutes into the gig, it just sounds normal. If you take em out during the gig, you'll see what a big difference they are making.

they're pretty cheap, so its worth trying them out.

I agree that specially fitted would be the best solution, but it depends on you budget. I use ER 20s and im more than happy with them.
They look like the ones Ola used in his Guitar Cab miking video haha :)
Sweet. They are only $13 too. I'm probably gonna order some right now.
Thanks alot bro.
I just use HEAROS, cheap and they work fine for me. I will probably get some custom molded ones some day but when I lose HEAROS I'm only out a few cents per pair so...
So I just got back from a show at the White Rabbit tonight, probably the loudest local show I've ever been to (Not to mention the guitar amps were up wayyyyyy louder than they needed to be and I was up front directly in the path of the cab.)

And needless to say, my ears/head are REALLY feeling the consequences. And to make it worse, I have a band coming in tomorrow morning (Monday.)

I know someone posted a certain brand of ear plugs here before, but I can't find it at all. I do remember the link they posted was an Amazon product. They were the plugs that apparently reduce the noise you are hearing (obviously) but they don't affect the tone (well, atleast not too terribly much.)

Anyone know what they are?

Played the white rabbit a long time ago in a galaxy far away, cool club. Hearos are what I've used forever, dont use them at shows though. Only band rehearsals.

Really the sound is not as good right up front as it is near the back, similar to sitting to close to the screen in a movie theater, it's more desirable to be able to hear the PA from farther back.
Thanks guys for the suggestions.
I just ordered some etymotics for $10 on Amazon!

And @Masterbeast- I was right up front to see one of my fav local bands, but the guitarist in the band before them was pretty much a dickhead and had his guitar amp up WAYYYYYY too loud in an effort to be louder than anyone else. It was seriously painful listening to them.
i got custom molded elacin 15, and they are awesome.. expensive, but probably one of my best buy in the last decade
So I already ordered ER20s. I was talking to my cousin this morning though, and she can get me ANY product that involves ears/hearing for like 1/3 retail (Since she works at a hearing-aid company.) They also sell in-ear-monitors too, so I'll probably look into those aswell.
But the ER20s were only $10 on Amazon and I wasn't charged tax or shipping at all. So I'm a happy fellow. Can't wait to try it out.
Not sure if this is applicable to South Africa only, but I just went to an audiologist (who make hearing aids) and asked them to make me some molded plugs.
It was around 80-90 USD, but my medical aid payed for it.

Ended up only paying for the consulting which was dismal.

They're pretty cool because, (besides being molded to my ear) it has a filter which blocks out the main harsh frequencies and allows the main frequencies used for speech to be heard.

Had a band practice at full blast and could hear everything without any pain or discomfort.
Ok, thanks for all the suggestions! Like I said, I can get some custom ones for like 1/3 retail thanks to my cousin.
But what ones would you recommend for actual engineering? Like such as getting mic placement on drums and guitar and whatnot, so you don't destroy your sense of hearing good tones when you go back into the control room?

And I can't find a place to order Elacins in the US at all.