Ear plugs

Sweet! You gotta love the Floyd. I didn't even know it was a true story until I watched a documentary on Syd and the rest of the band was talking about it.
I normally wear ear plugs but at the Opeth show in Tempe I found that I didn't need them. Their sound was loud but not completely overwhelming and I could still hear everything pretty well.
earplugs improve the quality of the sound, especially at a metal gig...it takes the edge off of things, which your ears do naturally within a few songs anyway. but, thats natural defense system because the eardrums are being fucked.
I've never found Opeth shows to be all that loud. Only once after a concert do I remember my ears hurting & it's because I was stuck right in front of a giant speaker at a Ween show.

After 100 or so shows & years of blasting music at home & in the car & playing the drums, I'm thankful my hearing is still near perfect. Maybe I shouldn't press my luck any further & start wearing some protection... ear plugs that is or atleast some db reducer headphones while playing the drums.

As for wearing them at concerts, I'll pass. I enjoy loud music way to much.
SPLASTiK said:
I go to a lot of shows and always wear ear plugs. A couple years ago I got some custom molded ones with a flat frequency response. Sounds so much better than without plugs, everything much clearer and more defined.

They must be going deaf because every time I hear them they just keep getting louder.

When I saw them last year I saw about a dozen people in front of me with their hands over their ears because they were so loud. I was wearing earplugs and was amazed at how loud it was.

Then Lemmy said, is it loud enough for you? No? We're going to turn it up!

And then it got louder for about 3 minutes in which the soundguy slowly turned down the sound. Probably got a few complaints or they were breaking some kind of noise law :lol:
you don't need to buy them. I'm 15, the friends I went with are 16 and 17. We were in a small club and stood RIGHT NEXT to the speakers (the speakers were right beside our faces) and had no ear problems whatsoever.

EDIT: after reading all these replies, I might try wearing earplugs at some future concerts if they do improve the sound quality.
Opeth has never been a super loud band in my experience. I prefer the middle/back of the venue anyway, where you definitely shouldn't need earplugs.

I'm sure though that drumming has damaged my ears a bit. Those china cymbals do it.
I wore earplugs (thanks zep-head) through The Eternal in Sydney, but took them out for Opeth. The sound wasn't as loud as I thought it'd be, like it wasn't actully ear-bleeding type loud, but I still can't imagine that volumes even that loud would be any good for you.
Most concerts average 100-115dB of volume. The human ear can only take about 120dB, I believe. Go figure.

I've been to three concerts (Gigantour, Opeth/Nevermore, In Flames/Trivium) so far (it will be four in a few days with Dragonforce) and my ears haven't rung or anything after any of them. It's weird.
Pethical said:
im a guitarist. its the most you can get for the price. they are worth every penny, 80$ is not a lot to save your hearing.

I couldn't agree more. I play drums AND I own a Hiwatt DR103. That's a REALLY loud amp. So my hearing is always at risk.

The loudest concert I've been to so far was a Tool show a few years ago. I took my earplugs out for a few seconds just to see how loud it was, and holy fuck. I thought I was gonna pass out.
Where did you get these ear plugs from Pethical?
I got some stupid earplugs that only looked like the etymotic ones but apparently they were shit. I also need to familiarize myself with the way you have to put them in.

I'm used to foam earplugs mostly. They do the job, my ears don't hurt and I don't really care if they distort the frequencies. Until I find a better solution, I'd like to keep my (already compromised) hearing, thank you.