Earache Uploads "Skull" to YouTube

After reading Dave's review, I really want my copy to show up so I can properly judge this thing.
I also will not listen until my copy is delivered to me. I'm getting nervous about it now though...damn mind letting people influence my thought patterns...
I also will not listen until my copy is delivered to me. I'm getting nervous about it now though...damn mind letting people influence my thought patterns...

Love the album. Particularly The Naked Sun, Outsider and New Truths Old Lies.

But What You Become is probably my least favourite Evile song EVER. There's a section just after the solo that is amazing, but other than that it's a bit lame :(

Fuck what a day... I got my hands on the cd 11am, now it's almost 7pm and finally first spin is going on right now. I would like to be all deep and shit but no, I like it! It's great how these guys can bring different atmosphere to every album, it would be all too easy to go with that same thing over and over again.
I'm still putting it on once in a while to try and like it more, but I'm not having much luck. At most, some of the mildly annoying segments have become mildly... less annoying? I guess?
Well after the weekend I had I arrived back in Middlesbrough to find my red slab of Skull wax waiting for me. I put it on. Loud. And now I'm kind of left wondering if the aches and pains in my neck are from the plane incident or Words of the Dead ... um, yeah. After 3-4 listens I'd say it's hitting the spot for me.

Head of the Demon, Tomb, Words of the Dead and What You Become are all excellent. Especially those last two... watch out Killer From The Deep, these could turn into my favourite Evile songs.

Honestly? I probably do need more time for the album to really sink in, but right now every time I put it on it's like I'm putting on ...And Justice For All - I just turn it up and bang my head (don't know if it's just me?! :lol:)
Listened to the album again. My opinion on the fast songs remain the same, but now I think Tomb sounds pretty, and I like the catchy main riff in What You Become a lot.

I think its safe to say the song im most disappointed in is Outsider. Why? Because if I wanted to listen to Descent Into Madness, I'd put on FST. I still like the track though.

Overall? I say good effort, but something isn't right. Maybe it's because it feels like a more technical and aggressive version of FST with an atmosphere similiar to Nations... which IMO isn't a very good combination (except on Head Of The Demon, Tomb, and maybe the last two tracks).
What the hell? Why is everyone getting name changes? :lol:

Couldn't figure out who the hell it was for a second :lol:

It's interesting seeing that some of you don't like it that much, I really felt you would all love it, like I did.
Oh well, opinions are opinions.

Still waiting for my three copies and shirt in the mail. :bah:
I just listened to my copy. It faired much better than my first youtube video only listen. Still think the album basically dies after Words of the Dead though.

I think the biggest problem that this album has is that it followed Five Serpent's Teeth. If FST was the new album this year and Skull was released in 2011, I think this album would've been better. It feels like a step backwards.
Also also wik - I've just heard A Sinister Call. A bloody good track if I'm honest, and despite the ending being rather abrupt I actually feel that it ends the album a bit better than New Truths, Old Lies does