earphones for teh iphone?

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Guise I've never used my iphone as an ipod ´cause I've never been a fan of listening to music with earphones (risk of turning up too much volume on transit and shit), but now I've decided to actually use the 16GB I have at hand lol and since there most earphones today are noise cancelling and actually go inside your ear it pretty much reduces the odds of turning up music to hideous volumes. I don't know anything about earphones (brands and shit) I basically want a pair that sounds good, simple, not the shit that comes with the iphone/ipod, basically I don't want every kick to sound like a farting distorting piece of shit and there's also some awful bump in the midrange or some shit, it's horrible I hate it.

So anyone that has some and could jump in and recommend? Btw, with a mic would be cool as well, to answer da phone and stuff!
I hate the sound of the Iphone earphones, but I´m stuck with them cause of the mic/little button it has, I can´t live without the handsfree options it has for calls and pausing/switching songs (one click during listening pauses or plays song, two quick clicks skips to the next song in the album/playlist you´re listening too), specially when jogging it´s priceless. So sorry, can´t help ya, Im actually on the same boat haha
I got some cheap Skullcandy (in ear kinda noise-cancelling ones) ones that are decent for transiting (20$). I don't want to spend lots of money on a pair of headphones just for public transit because I fuck them up all the time (cord snaps, etc etc).
But do those Skullcandy ones sound "decent"? I'm not looking for something stupidly expensive, just some earphones that give me a better representation compared to the crappy iphone ones
I dunno about representation, but they sound fine. They might be a little bass heavy compared to the regular iPod ones, but you could just say the iPod ones are fizzy. The main difference is that I can actually hear stuff now while I take the bus. Definetly good value for the money though.
I wish I did this years ago instead of just listening really loud, but alas, I digress. I really like the sennheisers. I had the cx-200s and now the 300s and they are really nice. Block out a fair amount of noise too. If I have them in, even with no music I wouldnt hear someone talking to me, so I use them as earplugs sometimes if I'm reading or something. I like them ones anyway