Eastcoaster just experienced my first earthquake

I live in the eastern half of Connecticut and felt nothing while my brother called me from work in the central part of Connecticut and he had stuff on racks in his office swaying and pipes in the ceiling shaking and stuff - seems in Connecticut it was felt the most in the valley that runs up the center of the state.
I felt it here in Ohio. I thought it was just the normal asshole kids in my neighborhood blasting their subs.
DC suburbs here. I was sitting in a manual (non-powered) wheelchair at the time, and it felt like I was on the deck of a moving sailboat. Even after the shaking stopped, there still seemed to be a rolling ocean sensation.
Survivor of 8 and 9 degree earthquakes here. In the range of 5 to 6 degrees , i probably experienced 30 to 40 of those.
Its not funny at all.