easy bodom songs on guitar?

silent night, bodom night
lake bodom
anything off AYDY
angels dont kill

this should be in the offtopic section though man
Silent night bodom night is easy apart from the sweeps (unless your good at them) Of course the slower songs will be easier but their's not many songs without a difficult solo somewhere.
Solos aside, If You Want Peace... Prepare For War is certainly much harder than many Bodom songs, for example Everytime I Die, Bed of Razors, Hatecrew Deathroll, Angels Don't Kill, or Downfall. There's no sense in calling an entire album easy to play just because you think it's a sellout.
BastrdDrmr said:
Solos aside, If You Want Peace... Prepare For War is certainly much harder than many Bodom songs, for example Everytime I Die, Bed of Razors, Hatecrew Deathroll, Angels Don't Kill, or Downfall. There's no sense in calling an entire album easy to play just because you think it's a sellout.
no, i call it easy to play because it is.
Recordings plz....

I usually don't believe anyone who says that can play shit like this because it usually turns out like all the recordigns posted on here, e.g Downfall solo, Hatebreeder solo, Kissing the Shadows solo etc.
TowardsDeadEnd said:
There's an easy cop out. Your music is cool and you're pretty good at the guitar, but I'm not buying you can play anything off of AYDY. Maybe any of the riffs (which most of them are easy), but not solos.
the solos are pure whammy bar wank. get over it.