Eat The Unicorn - one of my favs


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
I'm having a Threshold day today - listening to "Extinct Instinct" right now (my fav from them). Eat the Unicorn is one of the greatest tunes ever. The melodies make it, especially towards the middle of the song. Anyone else a fan of Threshold, and have you listened to any lately? This is one of those bands I pull out every now and then and get sucked into for a few days.

Up next is Hypothetical followed by Subsurface. I never listened much to Subsurface for some reason so I am giving it the ol second run.

EDIT: Actually it is about 2:55 is where the tune really kicks into overdrive.
why did you delete my andrew lloyd webber posts der?

threshold ROCKm an! good tune!
i only got into threshold myself this year. what a great band though but not metal for everyones taste though. personally i think that these guys destroy a band like dream theatre and they do it with great songwriting. never heard the second album but i definitely enjoy the albums with mac and damien. the way that technical ability blends into the songs without standing out as "look at me" moments is totally awesome even though i do enjoy musical wanking now and then. and yes, eat the unicorn does kick ass. i really like lake of despond as well.
You should get Psychedelicatessan as well. It's just as worthy a Threshold album and remarkably also contains a great and original sounding singer. That was my first taste of Threshold when I got into them way back when.