eating apples is complicated


Aug 2, 2002
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it's always hard to tell how big of a bite to take. i hate when my teeth just get stuck in the apple because i took a bite that was too big :erk:
mia has this problem with people eating apples because they tend to eat in a ring around the apple and then bite the top and bottom off last. this confuses her and makes her yell a lot. she thinks people ought to bite randomly. she also eats corn on the cob by biting in random spots.
I bite randomly, but not to be random. The next spot I choose to bite is the one that looks most convenient to bite. Like, wherever my fingers currently are not.
alex is.... weird.

anyway, i eat random parts because biting around it in a circle makes the apple all spitty and gross.
mia also likes to ask for a bite of people's sandwiches, invariably, at the precise moment the sandwich-owner has just finished preparing (via strategic bites) a 'perfect peninsula' of sandwich. mia then proceeds to bite off that person's prepared perfect peninsula.
the prepared perfect peninsula that includes the ideal amount of turkey, cheese, avocado, bacon, whatever is on the sandwich. snapped off leaving the eater with a mustarded crust with only turkey skin and tomato seeds on it.
This thread makes me long for wonderbread.

Serbia sucks at toast. It's just like regular bread, cut into toasty slices, it's not all soft, mushy and non-breadlike, like american toast is.
This reminds me of the school playground practice where one bullying 8 year old would ask for a potato chip from your bag, and you'd hand over the bag and he'd actually spit inside your bag and shake it and then proclaim how obviously, this was now his bag of potato chips.