I thought I bought regular pears


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Turns out they were PEAR APPLES. Weird as shit. They look like pears and they ARE pears but taste kinda like an apple and have the same crispy sort of consistency. Now I dunno if these have been commonly available for fucken ages and I'm just old news but I thought it was fuckin wacky when I first took a bite out of one.


They have some other name but I can't remember
Huh. Never had one of those.

Speaking of odd fruit, anyone ever had a Star fruit? Those rule.

nowadays the stores are filled with "grapples"

I was hoping it was a genetics thing.... but it seems they're just soaked in grape juice for a while.

I'll try and find out what this weird thing my boss got in one time was called. It's about the size of a large watermelon, is covered in spikes, and when you hack it open, the inside looks like scrambled eggs, smells like a soiled baby's diaper, feels like a diaper and tastes like... i dunno... something foul.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
I'll try and find out what this weird thing my boss got in one time was called. It's about the size of a large watermelon, is covered in spikes, and when you hack it open, the inside looks like scrambled eggs, smells like a soiled baby's diaper, feels like a diaper and tastes like... i dunno... something foul.
I know exactly what you're talking about, but I can't fucking remember what its called either...

I think they're called durans?